

Accurate identification of dominant seepage channels in turbidite reservoirs


针对浊积砂岩油藏牛庄洼陷牛20 区块平面水驱不均衡、边部供液不足与核部油井暴性水淹共存的开发状况,围绕浊积岩地质油藏特征,微观上通过三维数字岩心模拟,刻画不同微相微观孔喉结构约束下的优势渗流特征;宏观上基于浊积岩剩余油精细刻画,分级识别优势渗流流线.研究表明,动静态深入结合分析,明确了牛20 区块优势渗流通道主要分布在核部微相,采用多技术手段联合识别优势渗流通道,结果与开发动态符合率达85%以上,可精准有效识别各层段的优势渗流通道,提高后续措施挖潜的针对性.研究成果为浊积岩油藏高含水期实现均衡驱替提高采收率奠定基础,对于低渗油藏高含水期效益开发具有重要意义.

In view of the development conditions of uneven plane water drive,insufficient liquid supply at the edge and violent flooding in the core of Niu20 turbidite sandstone reservoir in Niuzhuang Sag,the domi-nant seepage characteristics under the constraint of different micro-facies micro-pore throat structures are depicted by 3D digital core simulation based on the characteristics of turbidite geological reservoir.Macro-scopically,based on the fine characterization of remaining turbidite oil,the dominant seepage flow lines are identified.The research shows that through in-depth dynamic and static analysis,it is clear that the domi-nant seepage channels of Niu 20 are mainly distributed in the nuclear microphase,and the results of the combined identification of the dominant seepage channels by multi-technical means are more than 85%consistent with the dynamic development,which can identify the dominant seepage channels of each layer and improve the pertinence of follow-up potential exploration.The research results lay a foundation for a-chieving balanced displacement and enhanced oil recovery in turbidite reservoir in high water cut period,and are of great significance for the beneficial development of low permeability reservoir in high water cut period.


长江大学石油工程学院,湖北武汉 430100中国石化胜利油田分公司现河采油厂,山东东营 257000中国石化胜利油田分公司现河采油厂,山东东营 257000中国石化胜利油田分公司现河采油厂,山东东营 257000中国石化胜利油田分公司现河采油厂,山东东营 257000中国石化胜利油田分公司现河采油厂,山东东营 257000长江大学石油工程学院,湖北武汉 430100



Turbidite reservoirunbalanced water drivemulti-means identificationaccurate and effec-tive identificationequilibrium displacement

《石油地质与工程》 2024 (3)

