

Analysis of impact and treatment measures of raising the impoundment level of Jiaogang Lake


为落实湖泊特征水位调整及控制工程调度运用办法修订,充分发挥调蓄湖泊的蓄水功能,研究探讨了焦岗湖非汛期蓄水位抬高至 18.30,18.50,19.00 m三种情况对区域滩地淹没、防洪排涝、水利工程及其他涉水工程等方面的影响,提出了补偿排涝费、更新改造涵闸、疏浚排水通道、加固湖泊堤防等影响处理对策,并对供水、抗旱、生态效益进行了分析,建议非汛期蓄水位按 18.50 m控制,远期结合治淮工程建设及社会经济发展研究进一步抬高方案.研究成果可为湖泊特征水位调整决策提供参考.

To implement the revision of the scheduling and operation method for adjusting and controlling lake characteristic water levels,and to fully utilize the water storage function of the regulatory lakes,a study was conducted to explore the impacts of raising the storage water level of Jiaogang Lake to 18.30,18.50,and 19.00 meters during the non-flood season.The study examined the effects on regional floodplain inundation,flood control and drainage,water conservancy projects,and other water-related projects.It proposed countermeasures such as compensating drainage fees,updating and renovating sluices,dredging drainage channels,and reinforcing lake embankments.Additionally,the study analyzed the benefits for water supply,drought resistance,and ecological benefits.It is recommended that the storage water level during the non-flood season be controlled at 18.50 meters,with further elevation plans to be studied in conjunction with the Huai River management project and socio-eco-nomic development in the long term.The research results could provide decision-making reference for adjusting the character-istic water level of lakes.


安徽省水利水电勘测设计研究总院股份有限公司,安徽 合肥 230088河海大学水文水资源学院,江苏 南京 210098



Jiaogang Lakeraised water levelwater resourcesimpact analysis

《江淮水利科技》 2024 (002)

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