A Dual Perspective on the Study of Tea History and Tea Industry:From Historical and Contemporary Standpoints
China,as a major tea-producing country,possesses a rich tradition of tea culture.Following the opening of new maritime routes,Chinese tea began to spread worldwide,transforming tea trade in-to a pivotal factor in globalization.This phenomenon led the foremost global power of the time,Brit-ain,to adopt tea as a national beverage,giving rise to the distinctive British tea culture.However,the flourishing tea trade did not propel China towards becoming a dominant power;instead,it found itself subjugated as a semi-colonial entity by foreign powers.The Chinese tea industry experienced a decline from the late Qing dynasty until the late 20thcentury,only beginning to recover thereafter,but still falling short of achieving dominance in the global tea industry.A comprehensive study of tea history can unveil the roots of China's sluggish tea industry,while a reflection on the current state of the tea industry can stimulate further exploration into tea history.Therefore,it is imperative to give due at-tention to the study of tea history and culture,approaching the issue of revitalizing the tea industry from both historical and contemporary perspectives.
清华大学历史系,北京 100084
tea historytea industryeconomic history researchglobalizationnationalism
《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024 (002)
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