

A Widely-involved Person with Unique Artistic Style and Unrestrained Personality-On Huang Yongyu's Artistic Life



In 2023,Mr.Huang Yongyu passed away,finishing his legendary life.Huang Yongyu is not only talented and widely involved in different fields,but also loved by people from all walks of life be-cause of his open-minded,optimistic and unrestrained personality.In his preface to Huang Yongyu's collection of essays,"Along the Seine to Florence",Huang Shang,a famous writer,called him"a per-son who is widely-involved".Indeed,in the Chinese art world in the 20th century,there are few artists as talented and widely involved as Huang Yongyu.He did not attend any academy of fine arts,but his woodcuts,Chinese painting and design are renowned in the domestic art circles;nor did he receive any systematic education,but his prose,new poems and essays give a sense of simplicity and wisdom.In art,Huang Yongyu is a diligent and inquisitive explorer,forming his general,concise,and highly deco-rative artistic style after years of sharpening his skills and abilities.More importantly,no matter what difficulties he has encountered,he expresses the bright and beautiful side of the world with a philo-sophical and humorous attitude,and this is his unique personality.Today,it is very enlightening for us to review Huang Yongyu's artistic life.


清华大学美术学院,北京 100089



Huang Yongyuartistic lifea widely-involved personartistic styleHuang Yongyu's unique artistic style

《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024 (002)

63-71,中插1-中插6 / 15

