

Equality of All Things and Historical Presentation:"Redundancy'in the Narration of Huang Yongyu's Novels-Centering on Zhuque Town in The Vagabond on the Wuchou River


黄永玉的《无愁河的浪荡汉子》并非一位八十多岁的老人心血来潮的作品,而是倾注了几十年持续的热情,是反复思考、斟酌的产物,体现了 自觉的文体意识和创作理念.黄永玉延续了沈从文关于文学与历史关系的思考,通过"关注次要的东西",以一种惊人的感受力,去发掘那些被遮蔽的无名之物,让它们在一种新的视线中以一种新的形式显现出来.正是这些被主导性叙事排除出去的大量物质性冗余,那些看似多余的没有确定意义的人、事、物,构成了黄永玉为之心动的"历史".他将感觉的触角延伸至日常生活的各个细微层面,将那些处于价值序列低端的事物与那些高端的事物等同起来,将其看成是同等级的,不仅触及那些不被宏大叙事所关注的平凡的哀乐,而且触及那些自然与历史褶皱处的物质性的声色光影,让"历史"的河流在文字中缓慢而深沉地展开.

The Vagabond on the Wuchou River by Huang Yongyu is not the work of an old man in his eighties on a whim,but the product of decades of continuous enthusiasm,repeated thinking and deliberation,which embodies the conscious stylistic consciousness and creative idea.Huang Yongyu continues Shen Congwen's thinking on the relationship between literature and history.By"paying attention to the secondary things",Huang Yongyu explores the obscure nameless things with an amazing sensibility and makes them appear in a new form in a new line of sight.It is a large number of material redundancies excluded by the dominant narra-tive,and those seemingly superfluous people,things and things with no definite meaning that constitute the"history"moved by Huang Yongyu.He extends the tentacles of feeling to all subtle aspects of daily life,equates those things at the low end of the value sequence with those at the high end,and regards them as the same level.It not only touches the ordinary sad music that is not concerned by the grand narrative,but also touches the material sound and shadow in the folds of nature and history,so that the river of history unfolds slowly and deeply in the text.


吉首大学文学与新闻传播学院,湖南吉首 416000




《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024 (002)

72-85 / 14


