

Laboratory Thermal Emission Spectral Measurement and Calibration Methods for Planetary Science Research



Accurate information regarding the surface composition is crucial for understanding the for-mation and evolution history of planetary bodies.Visible and near-infrared remote sensing spectroscopic techniques have long been used for the detection of surface composition.However,in the thermal in-frared spectral range,various types of planetary surface materials exhibit richer spectral features.With the development of thermal emission spectroscopic techniques,it has been increasingly used in planetary exploration.Particularly,in the ongoing and planned asteroid exploration missions,thermal emission spectrometers are employed as key payloads.In order to better interpret the thermal emission spectral data to be obtained in the future,it is essential to establish scientifically reasonable data processing and calibration schemes.This paper provides a comprehensive overview on the design of thermal emission spectral measurement devices for planetary science research,the measurement process,and data reduc-tion methods.To obtain accurate emissivity spectra data,the challenge of distinguishing sample radia-tion signals from instrument radiation during thermal emission measurements must be properly ad-dressed first.Especially,for measurements conducted under low-temperature and vacuum conditions that are similar to the surface conditions of the Moon and asteroids.This paper proposes and demonstrates a data reduction method based on interferograms,which are the original signals measured by FTIR spec-trometer.This method can effectively separate the actual radiation signal from the samples,thus yield-ing more accurate emissivity spectra data.The insights derived from this study can serve as valuable refe rences for the development and construction of thermal emission measurement devices and can facilitate the processing and scientific interpretation of data from future missions such as Tianwen-2.

杨亚洲;MILLIKEN Ralph E;BRAMBLE Michael S;PATTERSON William R;邹永廖;刘洋

中国科学院国家空间科学中心空间天气学国家重点实验室 北京 100190布朗大学地球环境与行星科学学院 普罗维登斯 02912布朗大学地球环境与行星科学学院 普罗维登斯 02912布朗大学地球环境与行星科学学院 普罗维登斯 02912中国科学院国家空间科学中心空间天气学国家重点实验室 北京 100190中国科学院国家空间科学中心空间天气学国家重点实验室 北京 100190



Planetary explorationThermal emissionSpectroscopyLaboratory measurementsCalibration

《空间科学学报》 2024 (2)



