

Spatiotemporal distribution of precipitation in Heilongjiang province from 1991 to 2021


选用1991-2021 年黑龙江省84 个国家气象站逐小时降水量数据,分析黑龙江省常规降水和小时强降水过程的降水量时空分布.结果表明:黑龙江省降水过程主要发生在下午至傍晚,降水量空间分布与地形关系密切,降水中心位于小兴安岭中部、松嫩平原东部和三江平原西部.小时强降水过程主要出现在黑龙江西南部和中部地区,小时强降水极值分布与强降水频次分布一致.1991-2021 年黑龙江省小时平均降水量和降水频率年变化为先减小后增大,小时降水平均强度为先增大后减小;2006-2021 年小时降水平均强度减小,但降水频率明显增大,导致降水量逐年增大.小时平均降水量、降水频次和小时降水平均强度的月变化均为7 月达到峰值.降水频率日变化为凌晨和下午最大,小时平均降水量和小时降水平均强度的日变化为下午最大.小时强降水主要发生在下午,15 时出现频数最大.

Using hourly precipitation data from 84 national meteorological stations in Heilongjiang province from 1991 to 2021,we analyzed the spatiotemporal distribution of conventional precipitation and hourly heavy precipita-tion processes.The results show that the precipitation process in Heilongjiang province mainly occurred in the af-ternoon to evening.The spatial distribution of precipitation was closely related to the terrain.The precipitation cen-ter was located in the middle of the Lesser Khingan Mountains,the eastern Songnen Plain,and the western San-jiang Plain.The hourly heavy precipitation process mainly occurred in the southwestern and central regions of Hei-longjiang province,and the distribution of hourly heavy precipitation extreme values were consistent with the distri-bution of heavy precipitation frequency.The annual variation in hourly average precipitation and precipitation fre-quency in Heilongjiang province from 1991 to 2021 decreased first and then increased,and the average intensity of hourly precipitation first increased and then decreased.From 2006 to 2021,the average intensity of hourly precipi-tation decreased,whereas the precipitation frequency increased significantly,resulting in an increase in precipitation year by year.The monthly variations in hourly average precipitation,precipitation frequency,and average intensity of hourly precipitation all reached their peaks in July.The daily variation of hourly average precipitation and the average intensity of hourly precipitation were both largest in the afternoon.Hourly heavy precipitation mainly oc-curred in the afternoon,with the highest frequency at 15:00.


黑龙江省气候中心,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030黑龙江省林业科学研究所,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001黑龙江省伊春市气象局,黑龙江伊春 153000洋县气象局,陕西洋县 723300中国华云气象科技集团有限公司,北京 100081



Precipitation frequencyPrecipitation intensityHourly heavy precipitation

《气象与环境学报》 2024 (002)

17-25 / 9


