

Quantitative source appointment of surface ozone in summer in background areas of North China


以北京上甸子国家大气本底站代表华北区域本底地区,利用 CAMx 模式的臭氧(O3)源解析方法(OSAT)对2019 年6 月25日至7 月31日该地区O3 浓度进行模拟研究,量化不同来源组分和追踪区域的贡献,分析O3 浓度的来源构成.结果表明:对华北区域本底地区地面O3 浓度贡献由大到小的组分依次为边界输送(61.8%)、源区输送(31.8%)、背景浓度(3.3%)和本地生成(3.1%),主要追踪源区域依次为河北(5.70%)、内蒙古(5.43%)和山东(4.48%),源类别依次为民用源(15.35%)、农业源(10.72%)、交通源(7.21%)和工业源(1.62%),主要前体物依次为NOx(29.6%)和VOCs(5.3%).华北区域本底地区地面O3 浓度主要由边界输送和源区输送贡献,这进一步验证了上甸子站作为大气本底站的合理性.

This study uses the Shangdianzi national background station in Beijing to represent the background area in North China,and adopts the Ozone Source Appointment Technology(OSAT)method of the CAMx model to analyze the ozone source contribution in North China background areas from June 25 to July 31,2019.A simula-tion study of O3 concentration was conducted to quantify the contribution of different source components and tag-ging regions,aiming to deeply analyze the source composition of ground-level O3 concentration in the background area of North China.The components that contribute to the ground O3 concentration in this region,from high to low,were boundary transport(61.8%),source transport(31.8%),background concentration(3.3%),and local generation(3.1%).The main source tagging regions from high to low were were Hebei province(5.70%),In-ner Mongolia autonomous region(5.43%),and Shandong province(4.48%).The source categories were civil source(15.35%),agricultural source(10.72%),transportation source(7.21%),and industrial source(1.62%),and the main precursors were NOx(29.6%)and VOCs(5.3%).The ground ozone concentration in North China background area is mainly contributed by boundary transport and source transport,which further vali-dates the rationality for Shangdianzi station as an atmospheric background station.


上甸子国家大气本底站,北京 101507||中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,辽宁沈阳 110166中国民航大学,天津 300300中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,辽宁沈阳 110166北京城市气象研究院,北京 100089||北京市气象台,北京 100097辽宁省气象装备保障中心,辽宁沈阳 110166中国民航东北地区空中交通管理局气象中心,辽宁沈阳 110161中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,辽宁沈阳 110166||鞍山市气象局,辽宁鞍山 114004



Atmospherie background stationOzoneCAMxSource appointment technology

《气象与环境学报》 2024 (002)

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