

Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Nitrogen Deposition in Offshore China in 2005 and 2015


应用 GEOS-Chem模式模拟结果,对比分析了 2005 和 2015 年中国近海氮沉降的时空分布特征及引起氮沉降变化的影响因子.研究结果表明:黄渤海氮沉降总量夏季最高,月平均值为 2.2×10-4 kg·m-2,冬季最低,月平均值为6×10-5 kg·m-2;东海氮沉降总量冬季最高,月平均值为 1.3×10-4 kg·m-2,夏季最低,月平均值是 5×10-5 kg·m-2;南海氮沉降总量秋季最高,月平均值达到了 1.5×10-4 kg·m-2,夏季最低,平均值为 8×10-5 kg·m-2,并且大部分区域氮湿沉降量占氮沉降总量的 55%以上.与 2005 年相比,2015 年黄渤海地区春、夏、秋季氮沉降总量的月平均值分别降低了 3×10-5、7×10-5 和 2×10-5 kg·m-2、冬季增加了 4×10-5 kg·m-2;东海地区春冬季节氮沉降总量的月平均值分别降低了 1×10-5 和 3×10-5 kg·m-2,夏秋季节氮沉降总量的平均值都增加了 1×10-5 kg·m-2;南海夏冬季节氮沉降总量的月平均值都增加了 1×10-5 kg·m-2,春秋季节氮沉降总量的月平均值分别减少了 1×10-5 和 4×10-5 kg·m-2.相对于 2005 年,同人为源排放相比,2015 年中国近海气象场的变化对氮沉降总量的变化影响较大,且 2015 年不同气象条件的改变导致 2015 年中国近海氮干、湿沉降的变化不同.就氮的干沉降而言,与 2005 年相比,2015 年黄渤海地区冬季平均风速大约降低 23.9%,但异常偏南风导致来自华北平原的排放传输增多,进而导致氮干沉降增多.就氮的湿沉降而言,相比于 2005 年,2015 年黄渤海夏季和南海秋季平均风速分别降低了 38.8%和 42.3%,使得黄渤海夏季和南海秋季氮总浓度分别减少了 5.6 和 2.8 ppbv,同时降水分别减少 2.4 和 0.9 mm,导致 2015 年黄渤海夏季和南海秋季氮湿沉降量降低,2015 年南海冬季平均风速降低 10.1%,但偏西风异常带来中南半岛的高排放使得氮总浓度增多(1.7 ppbv),同时降水增多(0.7 mm),导致南海冬季氮湿沉降量增多,因此 2015 年黄渤海夏季、南海秋季氮湿沉降的降低和南海冬季氮湿沉降的增加是风场输送与降水共同变化造成的结果;2015 年黄渤海冬季偏南风异常带来华北平原的高排放源使冬季的氮总浓度增加 3.1 ppbv,冬季降水基本不变,因此 2015 年黄渤海冬季氮湿沉降的变化主要跟风场变化有关;东海夏、秋、冬季节的氮总浓度减少,小于 1.0 ppbv,氮湿沉降变化主要是降水变化主导的.

Based on the results of the GEOS-Chem model,the spatial and temporal distribution charac-teristics of nitrogen deposition and the influencing factors of nitrogen deposition in the coastal waters of China in 2005 and 2015 are compared and analyzed.The results show that the total nitrogen deposition in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea is the highest in summer(about 2.2 kg·m-2)and the lowest in win-ter(0.6 kg·m-2).The total nitrogen deposition in the East China Sea is the highest(1.3 kg·m-2)in winter and the lowest(0.5 kg·m-2)in summer.The total nitrogen deposition in the South China Sea is the highest in autumn(1.5 kg·m-2)and the lowest in summer(0.8 kg·m-2)and the wet ni-trogen deposition in most regions accounts for more than 55%of the total nitrogen deposition.Com-pared to 2005,In 2015,the total nitrogen deposition in spring,summer and autumn decreases by 0.3,0.7 and 0.2 kg·m-2,and increases by 0.4 kg·m-2 in winter.In the East China Sea,the total nitro-gen deposition decreases by 0.1 and 0.3 kg·m-2 in spring and winter and increases by 0.1 kg·m-2 in summer and autumn.The total nitrogen deposition in the South China Sea increases by 0.1 kg·m-2 in both summer and winter and decreases by 0.1 and 0.4 kg·m-2 in spring and autumn.Compared with the anthropogenic source emissions in 2005,the change in the meteorological field in offshore China in 2015 has a greater impact on the change of total nitrogen deposition and the change of different meteoro-logical conditions in 2015 results in different changes in dry and wet nitrogen deposition in offshore China in 2015.In terms of dry deposition of nitrogen,the average winter wind speed in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea area decreases by 23.9%in 2015 compared with 2005,which results in increased dry deposition of nitrogen.In terms of wet deposition of nitrogen,compared with 2005,the average wind speed over the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea in summer and the South China Sea in autumn in 2015 decreass by 38.8%and 42.3%respectively,while the precipitation decreased by 2.4 and 0.9 mm respectively,resulting in the decrease of wet deposition of nitrogen over the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea in summer and the South China Sea in autumn in 2015.Therefore,In 2015,the decrease of wet nitrogen deposition in summer over the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea and the increase of wet nitrogen depo-sition in autumn over the South China Sea and the increase of wet nitrogen deposition in winter over the South China Sea are the result of the combined changes of wind transport and precipitation.The changes of winter wind field in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea in 2015 increases the total nitrogen concentration in winter,while the winter precipitation remains basically unchanged.Therefore,the changes of winter wet nitro-gen deposition in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea in 2015 are mainly related to the changes of the wind field.The decrease range of the total nitrogen concentration in summer,autumn and winter of the East China Sea is less than 1.0 ppbv,and the change of nitrogen wet deposition is mainly dominated by the change of precipitation.


中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院,山东 青岛 266100中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院,山东 青岛 266100||中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室,山东 青岛 266100四川省环境政策研究与规划院,四川 成都 611731



offshore Chinaatmospheric nitrogen depositionanthropogenic emissionsmeteorological field

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (006)

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中国博士后科学基金项目(2022M712985);国家自然科学基金项目(41875174)资助 Supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2022M712985);the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41875174)

