

Assessment of Benthic Ecological Quality of Sanggou Bay Thorugh AMBI and M-AMBI Approaches


养殖环境评价是衡量海水养殖活动是否健康、可持续的重要环节.为掌握北方典型规模化养殖海湾——桑沟湾沉积环境质量状况,于 2017 年 4 和 7 月对桑沟湾全湾海域进行大型底栖动物走航调查取样,分析了大型底栖动物的种类组成、生物量、栖息密度及群落结构;运用 AMBI(AZTI's marine biotic index)指数法和 M-AMBI(Multivariate-AMBI)指数法,分析了大型底栖动物群落受干扰程度,评价了沉积环境质量状况.研究表明,在两次调查中多毛类均为优势种,其中 4月多毛类 36 种,占总种数 63.16%;7 月 32 种,占总种数的 60.38%.AMBI法的评估结果表明,调查海域各站位以受到轻度扰动为主,个别站位受到中度扰动和无扰动,干扰程度从小到大依次为海带区<海草区<混养区<贝类区;M-AMBI 法的评估结果表明,生态环境质量等级为良或优的站位占 60.00%~68.42%,海草区环境质量状况要明显好于养殖区.多营养层次综合养殖模式缓解了桑沟湾近海生态系统的养殖压力,使得桑沟湾受人为干扰较小,海草区环境质量为优,贝类区、混养区和海带区的环境质量处于中等和良之间.

Environment assessment is an important step of evaluating maricultural healthy and sustainability.To monitor the ecological status of Sanggou Bay,macroinvertebrate samples were collected in April and July,2017.Species composition,biomass,density and community structure of macrobenthos were analyzed.The degree of disturbance of large benthic communities and the quality of sedimentary environment were evaluated though AMBI and M-AMBI approaches.Both surveys showed that polychaetes are the dominant species.In total,36 and 32 species were polychaetes found in April and July,accounting for 63.16%and 60.38%of the total,respectively.The results of AMBI and M-AMBI showed that most of the stations in the surveyed sea areas are subject to mild disturbances and several stations are moderately disturbed or undisturbed.The quality of the ecological environment was mostly good.Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture(IMTA)alleviated the pressure of Sanggou Bay coastal ocean ecosystem,and accordingly Sanggou Bay was less affected by human disturbance.The environmental quality of Seagrass area was high and that of bivalves,mixed culture and kelp areas varied between good and moderate.


上海海洋大学水产与生命学院 水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心,上海 201306||中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室,山东 青岛 266071山东省海洋科学研究院,山东 青岛 266104中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室,山东 青岛 266071||崂山实验室 海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室,山东 青岛 266237中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室,山东 青岛 266071



Sanggou BaymacrobenthosAMBI indexM-AMBI indexbenthic ecological status

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (006)

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中国水产科学研究院基本科研业务费项目(2020TD50);国家现代农业产业技术体系项目(CARS-49)资助 Supported by the Central Public-Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences(2020TD50);the Ear-marked Fund for China Agriculture Research System(CARS-49)

