

Fish community structure and resource status in coastal waters of Fujian


为探明福建近岸海域鱼类群落,本研究于2022年5月(春季)、11月(秋季)和2023年2月(冬季)、7月(夏季)在福建近岸海域开展了 4个季度的底拖网采样调查,分析了该海域鱼类的种类组成、区系特征、优势种、多样性以及群落受干扰程度等,并阐述了鱼类群落的群聚结构.本研究共采集鱼类200种,隶属于22目80科149属.适温类型以暖水性为主(占比75.00%),区系类型以底层鱼类为主(占比47.50%).鱼类平均质量密度为687.16kg/km2,夏季最高,冬季最低;平均丰度为42 909.10ind./km2,秋季最高,冬季最低.各季度优势种共计14种,其中日本带鱼为全年优势种.秋季鱼类Margalef丰富度指数(D)最高而Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')最低,Pielou均匀度指数(J')全年变化幅度不大,峰值出现在冬季.聚类分析显示,福建近岸海域鱼类群落可明显分为北部近岸和南部近岸2种类型鱼类群落,且群落种类组成在各季节不同区域间均存在显著差异.数量生物量曲线显示,鱼类群落在春季受到中等程度的干扰,在夏季、秋季和冬季均受到严重干扰.

In order to ascertain the fish community in the coastal waters of Fujian,this study carried out four surveys in the coastal waters of Fujian in May(spring)and November(autumn)in 2022,February(winter)and July(summer)in 2023.Quarterly bottom trawl sampling surveys analyzed the species composition,floristic characteristics,dominant species,diversity,and degree of community disturbance of fish in the sea area,and elaborated on the group structure of fish communities.A total of 200 species of fish were collected in this study,belonging to 22 orders,80 families,and 149 genera.The suitable temperature type is mainly warm water(accounting for 75%),and the fauna type is mainly bottom fish(accounting for 47.50%).The average mass density of fish is 687.16 kg/km2,which is highest in summer and lowest in winter;the average abundance is 42 909.10 ind./km2,which is highest in autumn and lowest in winter.There are 14 dominant species in each quarter,among which Trichiurus japonicus is the dominant species throughout the year.The Margalef index(D)of fish is the highest in autumn,while the Shannon-Wiener index(H')is the lowest.The Pielou index(J')does not change much throughout the year,and the peak value appears in winter.Cluster analysis showed that the fish community in the coastal waters of Fujian can be clearly divided into two types of fish communities:northern coastal and southern coastal fish communities,and there are significant differences in community species composition among different regions in each season.Quantitative biomass curves showed that fish communities are moderately disturbed in spring and severely disturbed in summer,autumn,and winter.


上海海洋大学环境DNA技术与水生态健康评估工程中心,上海 201306||福建省水产研究所海洋渔业资源保护与利用研究中心,福建厦门 361013福建省水产研究所海洋渔业资源保护与利用研究中心,福建厦门 361013上海海洋大学环境DNA技术与水生态健康评估工程中心,上海 201306



coastal waterscommunity structurefish stocksFujian

《上海海洋大学学报》 2024 (003)

755-767 / 13


