High Temperature Furnace Lining Lifecycle Management System
Using a robot carrying real-time sensing and measurement units,through intelligent control,automatic rapid 3D scanning of the interior of high-temperature furnaces in the metal smelting industry is realized.Through 3D reconstruction technology,an erosion model of the refractory lining in the high-temperature furnace is established in real time.Through the identification and judgment of the model,the erosion condition of the refractory lining in the high-temperature furnace is accurately determined,providing accurate technical support for rapid and accurate maintenance and replacement of the refractory lining,and realizing intelligent management of the life cycle of the refractory lining in the high-temperature furnace.The system can achieve rapid and accurate detection,greatly reducing labor intensity,improving detection efficiency,reducing safety hazards,enhancing production efficiency,reducing the consumption and waste of refractories,and improving enterprise economic benefits.
内蒙古电投能源股份有限公司北露天煤矿公司,内蒙古 霍林郭勒 029200内蒙古电投能源股份有限公司北露天煤矿公司,内蒙古 霍林郭勒 029200内蒙古电投能源股份有限公司北露天煤矿公司,内蒙古 霍林郭勒 029200内蒙古电投能源股份有限公司北露天煤矿公司,内蒙古 霍林郭勒 029200北京瓦特曼智能科技有限公司,北京 100071
Refractory erosionLaser measurementThree-dimensional reconstructionRobot
《世界有色金属》 2024 (4)