

Target Location Modeling and Accuracy Analysis of Multi-base Radar System Illuminated by Satellite Radar Source


星源照射多基地雷达系统由一个星载发射源与多个接收站组成,这种一发多收的雷达系统定位精度较单星定位精度高.因为工作体制和构型原因,一发多收雷达系统的定位精度受多种因素影响.为理清多基地雷达系统定位精度的影响因素,文中给出一种典型的一发多收雷达系统定位模型;其次,从几何稀释因子(GDOP)角度出发,对比不同接收站数量对定位精度的影响,发现雷达系统接收站数量为三收或四收时系统效费比较高;然后,研究了不同探测构型所对应的一发三收雷达系统定位精度,发现顶角为 120°的Y形布局方式下系统定位精度最优;最后,给出了系统定位精度随目标高度的变化.

The satellite illumination multi-base radar system is composed by one satellite transmitting station and several receiving stations.The positioning accuracy of this radar system is higher than that of single satellite positioning.Because of the working sys-tem and configuration,the positioning accuracy of the radar system is affected by many factors.To clarify the factors affecting the positioning accuracy of the multi-base radar system,a typical radar system positioning model of one transmitting station and several receiving stations is presented.From the perspective of geometric dilution of precision(GDOP),the influence of different number of receiving stations on positioning accuracy are compared.It is found that the system efficiency is higher when the number of re-ceiving stations is 3 or 4.The positioning accuracy of the radar system corresponding to different detection configuration is studied,and it is found that the positioning accuracy of the system is the best under the Y-shape layout with the top angle of 120°.The vari-ation of positioning accuracy with target height is given.


中国空间技术研究院遥感卫星总体部,北京 100094



satellite radar sourcemulti-static radarpositioning accuracynumber of receiving stationslayout method

《现代雷达》 2024 (004)

22-33 / 12

