Research on Intercity Division and Development Strategy of Smart Government Information Collaborative Construction Based on Supernetwork Model
[Purpose/Significance]Information collaboration state is an important factor affecting the level of smart government construction.At present,the level of smart government construction in various cities in China is uneven.By constructing a supernetwork model of smart government information collaboration,the information collaboration state is quantitatively measured,and the research on the division of inter-city information collaboration is conducted based on real city cases.It is of great significance to clarify the goal and direction of the information collaborative construction of smart government affairs and promote the development of smart government affairs.[Method/Process]This paper constructed a supernetwork model of smart government affairs,proposed a quantitative measurement scheme of information collaboration state from micro and macro perspectives,selected representative cities in different stages of smart government affairs con-struction in China as cases,deeply analyzed inter-city differences of various measurement indicators,and revealed the sta-tus quo of inter-city division of information collaboration construction according to the mapping of indicators to practical sig-nificance.[Result/Conclusion]The analysis finds that with the improvement of the level of intelligent construction,the o-verall entropy of information collaborative network shows a trend of increasing,that is the correlation between information became more complex,and the scale of information collaboration would continue to expand.But the speed of enriching links between nodes is usually slower than the expansion of the scale of collaboration,that is,the development speed of the correlation at the information content level is lower than the growth speed of the demand for information collaboration.Based on the characteristics of information collaborative networks,this paper puts forward the corresponding information collabora-tive development strategy from the single element and the whole macro level.
复旦大学国家智能评价与治理实验基地,上海 200433||复旦大学发展研究院,上海 200433吉林大学商学与管理学院,吉林 长春 130012吉林大学商学与管理学院,吉林 长春 130012南开大学商学院,天津 300071
smart governmentinformation collaborationinformation collaborative networksupernetwork
《现代情报》 2024 (6)