

Induction Motor-network Decoupling Model for Power System Electromagnetic Transients Simulation with Induction Motor as Load


电力系统电磁暂态仿真中,常用异步电动机模型来代表动态负荷模型.然而,由于异步电动机数量众多和电机-电网接口方法的局限性,传统异步电动机模型很难兼顾仿真效率和数值稳定性.针对这一问题,该文提出一种用于电力系统电磁暂态仿真的异步电动机负荷解耦(induction motor load decoupling,IMLD)模型.该模型结合异步电动机等效电路和 LC 传输线时延,构造出具有天然时延的电机-电网解耦接口,从而将异步电动机与外部电网解耦,异步电动机的迭代求解过程无需与外部电网同步求解.根据负荷节点给定的潮流有功和无功功率,通过求解等效电路方程并配置IMLD模型参数,使仿真功率结果与潮流计算给定负荷节点功率相匹配.测试算例结果表明,所提 IMLD 模型可有效减少网络方程迭代次数,同时具备较高准确性和仿真效率,且具备良好的数值稳定性.

In the domain of electromagnetic transients(EMT)simulation for power systems,induction motors are commonly used to represent dynamic load models.However,due to the vast number of induction motors and the limitations of motor-network interfacing methods,conventional induction motor models face challenges in balancing efficiency and numerical stability simultaneously.To address this issue,this paper presents an Induction Motor Load Decoupling(IMLD)model for power systems EMT simulation.This model integrates the equivalent circuit of induction motors with LC transmission line delay,forming a naturally delayed motor-network decoupling interface.As a result,the iterative solutions of the induction motor are decoupled from the external network,eliminating the need for simultaneously solutions with the external network.By solving the equivalent circuit equation and configuring the model parameters based on the active and reactive power of the load bus,the simulation results are matched with the power of the load buses given by the power flow solution.Test case results show that the proposed IMLD model effectively reduces the number of network equation iterations while maintaining high accuracy,simulation efficiency,and good numerical stability.


中国电力科学研究院有限公司,北京市 海淀区 100192中国电力科学研究院有限公司,北京市 海淀区 100192中国电力科学研究院有限公司,北京市 海淀区 100192中国电力科学研究院有限公司,北京市 海淀区 100192中国电力科学研究院有限公司,北京市 海淀区 100192中国电力科学研究院有限公司,北京市 海淀区 100192国网湖南省电力有限公司经济技术研究院,湖南省 长沙市 410004能源互联网供需运营湖南省重点实验室,湖南省 长沙市 410004



power systemelectromagnetic transients simulationinduction motormotor-network interface decoupling modeldynamic load model

《中国电机工程学报》 2024 (10)


湖南省科技重大专项项目(2020GK1011)湖南省科技创新平台与人才计划(2019TP1053).Key Science and Technology Special Project of Hunan Province(2020GK1011)Science-Technology Innovation Platform and Talents Program of Hunan Province,China(2019TP1053).

