

Cut-off values of cognitive domain assessment scales for Parkinson disease in Beijing,China


目的 构建北京地区帕金森病(PD)相关认知域评估量表划界分常模以及探讨神经心理测评异常的最佳划界值.方法 纳入33例正常社区中老年人和89例非痴呆型PD患者,所有受试者接受了总体认知功能筛查和相关认知域量表评估.按蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MoCA)是否>25分,将PD患者分为轻度认知障碍(PD-MCI)或认知正常(PD-NC).为比较PD相关认知域评估量表诊断PD-MCI与总体认知功能筛查诊断PD-MCI的一致性,对低于正常标准的不同划界值(即低于均值的1.00SD、1.28SD、1.64SD、1.96SD)进行了敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值和阴性预测值的检测,以筛选最佳的划界值.结果 构建了北京地区PD相关认知域评估量表的划界分常模,并发现应用1.96SD划界值诊断PD-MCI、PD-NC的一致性最高,即敏感度、特异度最佳.结论 通过本研究构建了PD相关认知域评估量表的划界分常模,填补了国内多数PD认知障碍评估量表无划界值的空白,并提出神经心理测评异常的最佳划界值,为我国PD患者的认知域测评提供了评估标准,以便临床医生早期发现PD患者认知功能下降,以及进行早期干预.

Objective To establish the delimitation norm of cognitive domain assessment scales for Parkinson dis-ease(PD)in Beijing,China,and to investigate the optimal cut-off values for determining abnormal neuropsychological as-sessments.Methods A total of 33 normal middle-aged and elderly individuals in communities and 89 patients with non-dementia PD were included in this study,and all subjects underwent global cognitive function screening and cognitive do-main assessments.According to whether Montreal Cognitive Assessment(MoCA)score was greater than 25 points,the pa-tients with PD were divided into mild cognitive impairment group(PD-MCI group)and normal cognition group(PD-NC group).In order to compare the consistency between PD-related cognitive domain assessment scales and global cognitive function screening in the diagnosis of PD-MCI,different cut-off values below the appropriate norms(i.e.,1.00 standard deviation,1.28 standard deviations,1.64 standard deviations,1.96 standard deviations below the mean)were examined for sensitivity,specificity,positive predictive value,and negative predictive value to obtain the optimal cut-off value.Results The delimitation norm of PD-related cognitive domain assessment scales was established for Beijing,and the re-sults showed that 1.96 standard deviations had the highest consistency in the diagnosis of PD-MCI and PD-NC,with the best sensitivity and specificity.Conclusion This study establishes the delimitation norm of PD-related cognitive domain assess-ment scales and fills the blank of the unbounded value of most domestic PD cognitive impairment assessment scales,and it also proposes the optimal cut-off value of abnormal neuropsychological assessment,which provides a reference standard for the cognitive domain assessment of PD patients in China and helps clinicians to identify cognitive decline in PD patients and adopt intervention measures in the early stage.


首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053首都医科大学宣武医院神经生物学研究室,北京 100054北京帕云医疗科技有限公司,北京 100073国家老年疾病临床医学研究中心,北京 100053国家老年疾病临床医学研究中心,北京 100053首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科,北京 100053||国家老年疾病临床医学研究中心,北京 100053



Parkinson diseaseMild cognitive impairmentNormNeuropsychological assessment

《中风与神经疾病杂志》 2024 (5)



