

Green Control Technology for Management of Spodoptera frugiperda on Fresh Corn


草地贪夜蛾集中危害安徽省秋季鲜食玉米,对产量造成严重威胁,为探索一套适用于秋季鲜食玉米草地贪夜蛾绿色防控技术,分别于苗期、心叶期、吐丝期开展田间防治研究,评价防治效果、鲜穗产量及增产率,以达到减少化学用药、挽回产量,实现全程绿色防控的目标.结果表明,播前 40%溴氰虫酰胺·噻虫嗪种子处理悬浮剂包衣玉米种子出苗率增加 19.25%、苗后 14 d防治效果可达 74.48%;心叶初期、末期分别施用G033A颗粒剂、10%甲维·氯虫苯甲酰胺悬浮剂,药后 21 d防治效果可达 90.62%;吐丝期PS3可湿性粉剂与 25%乙基多杀菌素水分散粒剂(减量 20%)联合使用,药后 21 d防治效果可达 78.42%.全生育期相对于农户自防区减少化学用药 4次,其中生物农药替代 1次;平均穗粒重最高为 253.82 g,籽粒增产率为 5.69%;鲜穗产量最高为 16243.70 kg/hm2,鲜穗增产率为 4.86%.安徽省秋季鲜食玉米草地贪夜蛾绿色防控技术对玉米生长安全,综合防效显著,可有效减少化学农药用药,增加产量.

Green control technology for management of Spodoptera frugiperda in the autumn fresh maize in Anhui province was explored through evaluation of the control efficiency,fresh ear yield,and yield increase rate in treatments at seedling,heart leaf and silking stages so as to reduce chemical use and recover yield loss.The results showed that the seedling emergence rate of seeds coated with 40%cyantraniliprole·thiamethoxam FS increased by 19.25%,and the control efficiency reached 74.48%at 14 d after seeding.When G033A microgranules were applied at the early whorl stage and 10%emamectin·chlorantraniliprole SC was applied at the late whorl stage,the control efficiency reached 90.62%at 21 d after treatment.The control efficiency of the combination of PS3 WP and 25%spinetoramWG(reduced by 20%)at the spinning stage reached 78.42%at 21 d after treatment.Compared with the farmers'self-control fields,chemical use was reduced by 4 times in the whole season,one of which was replaced by biological pesticides.The highest average grain weight per spike was 253.82g,representing a yield gain of 5.69%.The highest yield of fresh ear was 16243.70kg/hm2,representing a yield increase of 4.86%.Therefore,the green control technology for the fall armyworm in fresh corn in autumn is effective and safe,and can effectively reduce chemical use and increase yield.


安徽省农业科学院植物保护与农产品质量安全研究所,合肥 230031中国农业科学院植物保护研究所,北京 100193安徽农业大学,合肥 230036滁州市食品药品检验中心,滁州 239000



fresh cornSpodoptera frugiperdagreen control technologycontrol effectyield increase rate

《中国生物防治学报》 2024 (002)

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