

Study on Preparation and Strength Properties of Corrugated Medium Using Bamboo Pulp and Camphor Residue Pulp


本研究对市售本色竹浆进行筛分,利用筛分出的粒径<0.6 mm的短小纤维竹浆与蒸油后的油樟渣浆配抄瓦楞原纸.结果表明,抄纸中加入25%针叶木浆、0.5%阳离子淀粉(CS)、0.4%阳离子聚丙烯酰氨(CPAM)和1.8%聚酰胺环氧氯丙烷树脂(PAE,质量分数9.5%),短小纤维竹浆(未打浆)与油樟渣浆按质量比10:90配抄,未经熟化处理的纸张裂断长2.66km,环压指数5.60N·m/g,达到了瓦楞原纸GB/T 13023-2008合格品要求;当短小纤维竹浆打浆度35.8 °SR时,与油樟渣浆按照质量比30∶70配抄,并经110℃、15min熟化处理,纸张裂断长4.75km、环压指数8.24N·m/g、耐破指数2.80kPa·m2/g、耐折度15次,其中裂断长和环压指数均达到瓦楞原纸GB/T 13023-2008优等品要求,耐破指数和耐折度指标均达箱纸板GB/T 13024-2016合格品要求.

In this study,the commercially available natural bamboo pulp was sieved,the short-fibre bamboo pulp with partide size<0.6 mm and oil evaporation of camphor residue pulp were selected to prepare corrugated medium.The results showed that when 25%soft wood pulp,0.5%cationic starch(CS),0.4%cationic polyacrylamide(CPAM),and 1.8%polyamide epichlorol resin(PAE,concen-tration of 9.5%)were added,short-fibre bamboo pulp(unbeaten)and camphor residue pulp were used to prepare paper with the mass ratio of 10:90 without cure treatmeut,the paper splitting length was 2.66 km,the cyclic compression index was 5.60 N·m/g,which met the requirements for the qualified products of GB/T 13023-2008.When the short-fibre bamboo pulp was beat to a degree of 35.8°SR,and the camphor residue pulp was added with the mass ratio of 30:70,after cure treatment 110 ℃ for 15 min,the paper was obtained with splitting length of 4.75 km,cyclic compression index of 8.24 N·m/g,breakage resistance index of 2.80 kPa·m2/g,folding resistance of 15,of which the splitting length and the cyclic compression index reached the requirements for the superior grade of GB/T 13023-2008,breakage resistance index and folding resistance indicators were up to the requirements for qualified products of GB/T 13024-2016.





natural bamboo pulpsievecamphor residuepaper makingcorrugated medium

《中国造纸》 2024 (004)

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