

Neuronal type screening and identification of head twitch responses induced by mescaline


目的 探究影响5-羟色胺(5-HT)能致幻剂麦司卡林诱导小鼠甩头反应(HTR)的神经元类型.方法 ①成年雄性C57BL/6J小鼠随机分成正常对照组和麦司卡林(1.56,3.125,6.25,12.5,25和50 mg·kg-1)组,每组15只,ip给予相应药物后观察30 min内小鼠HTR次数.②将5-HT 2A受体(5-HT2AR)基因双侧LoxP纯合子(5-HT2Aflox/flox)小鼠分别与钙调蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶Ⅱα环化重组酶阳性(CaMKⅡαcre/+)、小清蛋白(PV)cre/+、生长抑素(SOM)cre/+或血管活性肠肽(VIP)cre/+小鼠杂交得到不同类型神经元的5-HT2A受体条件性敲除(cKO)小鼠(5-HT2AΔCaMKⅡα,5-HT2A ΔPV,5-HT2AΔSOM和5-HT2AΔVIP),将每类cKO小鼠随机分为正常对照组和麦司卡林12.5 mg·kg-1组,每组15只,ip给予相应药物后记录30 min内小鼠HTR次数.③ 将每类5-HT2A R cKO小鼠随机分为正常对照组和麦司卡林12.5 mg·kg-1组,每组12只,ip给予相应药物后记录30 min内小鼠自发活动.结果 ① 与正常对照组相比,麦司卡林3.125,6.25,12.5和25 mg·kg-1组小鼠HTR显著增加(P<0.05,P<0.01).②不同类型神经元的5-HT2A R cKO小鼠中,只有5-HT2AΔCaMKⅡα小鼠正常对照组与麦司卡林12.5 mg·kg-1组间HTR次数无差异,而在5-HT2AΔPV,5-HT2A ΔSOM和5-HT2A ΔVIP小鼠中,与正常对照组相比,麦司卡林12.5 mg·kg-1组小鼠HTR均显著增加(P<0.01).③所有cKO小鼠正常对照组与麦司卡林12.5 mg·kg-1组间自发活动均无显著差异.结论 锥体神经元参与介导了麦司卡林对小鼠HTR的诱导作用.

OBJECTIVE To investigate the types of neurons that influence the head twitch response(HTR)induced by 5-hydroxytryptaminergic(5-HTergic)psychedelic mescaline in mice.METHODS①Adult male C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into the normal control group and mescaline(1.56,3.125,6.25,12.5,25 and 50 mg·kg-1)groups,with 15 mice in each group.The drugs of the corresponding groups were ip given,and the HTR frequency of mice was recorded for 30 min.② 5-HT 2A receptor(5-HT2AR)gene bilateral LoxP homozygous mice(5-HT2A flox/flox)were hybridized with calmodulin depen-dent protein kinaseⅡα cyclization recombination enzyme positive(CaMKⅡαcre/+),parvalbumin(PV)cre/+,somatostatin(SOM)cre/+or vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP)cre/+mice to obtain 5-HT2A R conditional knockout(cKO)mice(5-HT2AΔCaMKⅡα,5-HT2AΔPV,5-HT2AΔSOM and 5-HT2AΔVIP).Each type of cKO mice was randomly divided into the normal control group and mescaline 12.5 mg·kg-1 group,with 15 mice in each group.The drugs of the corresponding groups were ip given before the HTR frequency of mice within 30 min was recorded.③ Each type of cKO mice was randomly divided into the normal control group and mescaline 12.5 mg·kg-1 group,with 12 mice in each group.After receiving the corresponding drug via ip,they were placed in a spontaneous activity test box for 30 minutes and their activity levels were recorded.RESULTS ① Compared with the normal control group,mescaline 3.125,6.25,12.5 and 25 mg·kg-1 significantly increased the HTRs of mice(P<0.05,P<0.01).② Among the different neuronal types of 5-HT2AR cKO mice,only 5-HT2A ΔCaMKⅡα mice had no difference in HTR frequency between the normal control group and the mescaline 12.5 mg·kg-1 group.In 5-HT2AΔPV,5-HT2AΔSOM and 5-HT2AΔVIP mice,the HTRs of mice in the mescaline 12.5 mg·kg-1 group were significantly increased(P<0.01)compared with the normal control group.③ There was no difference in spontaneous activity between the normal control group and the mescaline 12.5 mg·kg-1 group of all cKO mice.CONCLU-SION Pyramidal neurons are involved in mediating the induction of mescaline on HTRs in mice.


南京中医药大学,江苏南京 210023||军事科学院军事医学研究院国家安全特需药品全国重点实验室,神经精神药理学北京市重点实验室,北京 100850南京中医药大学,江苏南京 210023||军事科学院军事医学研究院国家安全特需药品全国重点实验室,神经精神药理学北京市重点实验室,北京 100850军事科学院军事医学研究院国家安全特需药品全国重点实验室,神经精神药理学北京市重点实验室,北京 100850南京中医药大学,江苏南京 210023||军事科学院军事医学研究院国家安全特需药品全国重点实验室,神经精神药理学北京市重点实验室,北京 100850



mescalinehead twitch responsepyramidal neurons5-HT2A receptor

《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 2024 (5)


