

Multi-Source Coordinated Control Strategy Based on Voltage Bias and SOC for Electro-Hydrogen Coupling System



In the highway DC microgrid,the time characteristics and charging mode characteristics of electric vehicle charging behavior may cause varying degrees of impact on the DC bus voltage,and the high-penetration rate of electric vehicle loads presents new challenges to the coordination control of the"source-load-storage"system.By analyzing the traffic load characteristics and micro-source characteristics of the highway DC microgrid,a multi-source coordinated control strategy based on DC bus voltage bias for electro-hydrogen coupling system is proposed.This control strategy uses the battery as the core component of voltage regulation to achieve coordinated and self-consistent operation by detecting the fluctuation of the DC bus voltage at the inverter port,without the need for communication to achieve power balance of the system.To avoid the battery exiting operation due to the crossing of the state of charge(SOC),a multi-source adaptive droop controller is designed,enabling the hydrogen unit to actively respond to SOC changes,reduce the unbalanced power caused by battery SOC management,suppress the speed of SOC approaching the boundary value,and achieve dynamic balance of SOC.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is verified in Matlab/Simulink.


华北电力大学国家能源交通融合发展研究院,北京 102206华北电力大学国家能源交通融合发展研究院,北京 102206华北电力大学国家能源交通融合发展研究院,北京 102206华北电力大学国家能源交通融合发展研究院,北京 102206||北京交通大学轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室,北京 100044



highway DC microgridelectro-hydrogen couplingtraffic loadcoordinated controladaptive droop control

《电机与控制应用》 2024 (5)


国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2021YFB2601605)National Program on Key Basic Research Project(2021YFB2601605)

