

Correlation Analysis between Yield and Main Agronomic Traits of Fresh Corn in Spring Sowing Area


为探索鲜食玉米不同农艺性状和产量之间的关系,为春播鲜食玉米育种提供参考,本试验以 69 个鲜食玉米品种为材料,对生育期、株高、茎粗等18 个农艺性状与产量进行变异分析、相关分析、回归分析、偏相关分析和通径分析.结果表明:秃尖长的变异系数最大(176.93%),其次为散粉—吐丝期天数(100.19%);播种—出苗天数、吐丝—收获天数、穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数和穗质量与产量极显著正相关,株高与产量显著正相关;出苗—抽穗天数、秃尖长与产量极显著负相关.出苗—抽穗天数(X2)、抽穗—散粉天数(X3)、穗位高(X9)、穗长(X11)、秃尖长(X12)、穗粗(X13)、行粒数(X15)、穗质量(X16)8 个农艺性状与产量(Y)的回归方程为Y=1 828.30-39.88X2+366.41X3+11.94X9+48.51X11-270.09X12+414.40X13-123.05X15+33.73X16.抽穗—散粉、穗位高与产量显著正偏相关,穗质量与产量极显著正偏相关,行粒数与产量显著负偏相关;抽穗—散粉天数、穗位高、穗长、穗粗、穗质量对产量具有正直接效应,出苗—抽穗的天数、秃尖长、行粒数对产量具有负直接效应,穗质量对产量具有最高的正直接效应(0.866).综合分析,在选育高产鲜食玉米品种时,可关注穗质量较大、秃尖长较短、出苗—抽穗天数较短、穗位较高、果穗较长、较粗的品种.

In order to explore the relationship between different agronomic traits and yield of fresh corn and to provide refe-rence for spring-sown fresh corn breeding,69 fresh corn varieties were collected in this experiment as materials,and va-riance analysis,correlation analysis,partial correlation analysis,and path analysis were performed on 18 agronomic traits,such as growth period,plant height,and yield to clarify the main agronomic traits affecting yield.The results showed that length of bare rip of ears was the trait with the largest coefficient of variation(176.93%),followed by Anthesis date-sil-king date(100.19%).Sowing date-seedling date,silking date-harvest date,ear length,ear diameter,number of rows per ear,number of kernels per row,and ear weight were highly significantly positively correlated with yield;plant height was significantly positively correlated with yield;seedling date-tasseling date,length of bare rip of ears were significantly nega-tively correlated with yield.The regression equation of 8 agronomic characters,which were days from emergence to heading(X2),days from heading to scattered powder(X3),ear height(X9),ear length(X11),bald tip length(X12),ear diameter(X13),number of grains per row(X15),ear quality(X16),and yield(Y)is Y=1828.30-39.88X2+366.41X3+11.94X9+48.51X11-270.09X12+414.40X13-123.05X15+33.73X16.Tasseling date-anthesis date,ear height were significantly posi-tively partial correlated with yield,ear weight was highly significantly positively partial correlated with yield,number of ker-nels per row was significantly negatively partial correlated with yield.Tasseling date-anthesis date,ear height,ear length,ear diameter,ear weight have a positive direct effect on yield,and seedling date-tasseling date,length of bare rip of ears,number of kernels per row have a negative direct effect on yield.Ear weight provided the highest positive direct effect on yield(0.866).In comprehensive analysis,when breeding high-yielding sweet corn varieties,attention should be paid to varieties with larger tassel quality,shorter barren tip length,shorter number of days from emergence to tasseling,higher tas-sel position,longer tassel length,and thicker tassel.


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fresh cornbreedingyieldagronomic traitscorrelation analysis

《作物研究》 2024 (002)

97-103 / 7
