

Effect of Cultivation Mode on Soil Microbial Diversity after Planting Lilium brownii var.viridulum


为了降低龙牙百合栽培过程中农药的使用量,提高龙牙百合的产量和品质,设置空白地、地膜覆盖+一次性施肥种植模式(PM+OTF)与传统露地栽培模式(OFC)3 个处理,对不同处理土壤中的细菌、真菌多样性进行比较,分析种植模式的改变对龙牙百合地下部生长微生物环境的影响.结果表明,PM+OTF模式的土壤真菌群落丰富度较OFC模式低,但群落多样性不存在显著差异;2 种栽培模式土壤的细菌丰富度及多样性不存在显著差异.PCA主成分分析表明,PM+OTF模式的土壤微生物群落结构组成更接近空白地.土壤真菌与细菌群落组成分析显示,2 种栽培模式在门水平上的微生物多样性不存在显著性差异;但细菌的被孢霉属(Aquisphaera)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、嗜酸栖热菌属(Acidothermus)等存在显著差异(P<0.05),真菌的珊瑚菌属(Clavaria)、踝节菌属(Talaro-myces)、莫蒂埃菌属(Mortierella)、绿核菌属(Ustilaginoidea)、镰刀菌属(Fusarium)、青霉属(Penicillium)等存在显著差异(P<0.05).从产量来看,与OFC模式相比,PM+OTF模式增产 10.5%,优品率提高 31.9%,叶面病害显著降低.综合分析,地膜覆盖+一次性施肥种植模式具有控制和减轻龙牙百合病害发生的潜力.

In order to reduce the use of pesticides in the cultivation process of Lilium brownii var.Viridulum and improve its yield and quality,a blank field,plastic film coverage,and one-time fertilization planting(PM+OTF)model treatment and traditional open field cultivation(OFC)model treatment were set up to compare the diversity of microbiota and fungi in the soil of different treatments,and analyze the impact of planting mode changes on the underground growth microbial environ-ment of Lilium brownii var.viridulum.The results showed that the richness of soil fungal communities in the PM+OTF mo-del was lower than that in the OFC model,but there was no significant difference in community diversity.There was no sig-nificant difference in bacterial richness and diversity between the two cultivation modes of soil.The PCA principal compo-nent analysis showed that the soil microbial community structure composition of the PM+OTF model was closer to that of the blank field.The analysis of soil fungal and bacterial community composition shows that there is no significant difference in microbial diversity at the phylum level between the two cultivation modes.However,there were significant differences(P<0.05)in bacterial genera such as Aquisphaera,Bacillus,and Acidothermus,while there were significant differences(P<0.05)in fungal genera such as Clavaria,Talaromyces,Mortierella,Ustilaginoidea,Fusarium,and Penicillium.In terms of yield,compared with the OFC model,the PM+OTF model increased yield by 10.5%,improved yield by 32%,reduced bulb diseases by 15.2%,and significantly reduced leaf diseases.Overall analysis shows that mulching with plastic film and one-time fertilization planting have the potential to control and reduce the occurrence of diseases in Lilium brownii var.viridulum.


湖南农业大学生物科学技术学院,湖南 长沙 410128||道地药用植物规范栽培与综合利用湖南省工程实验室,湖南 长沙 410128湖南一线情农业有限公司,湖南 邵阳 422208



Lilium brownii var.viridulumcultivationsoilmicrobial diversity

《作物研究》 2024 (002)

109-116 / 8

