

Mechanism of Low NO3-Stress Inhibiting Apoplastic Transport in Tobacco Roots


为探究低NO3-胁迫抑制烟草根系质外体运输的生理机制,以中烟100为试验材料,在水培条件下设计了 0.01、0.1 mmol/L两个低NO3-胁迫处理,及4.0 mmol/L正常NO3-浓度的对照处理,分析了各浓度NO3-对烟苗发育、根系形态、蒸腾作用、质外体途径运输、内皮层木栓化以及质外体屏障形成相关基因表达的影响.结果表明,低NO3-胁迫(0.01和0.1 mmol/L)烟苗根冠比显著大于对照,增幅分别为267%和125%,蒸腾量显著小于对照,降幅分别为176%和114%;PTS荧光强度显著小于对照,降幅分别为31%和27%,木质部伤流液以及地上部PTS浓度显著小于对照,降幅分别为105%、91%和103%、75%;低NO3-胁迫诱导烟草根内皮层的早期木栓化,木栓质沉积位置更靠近根尖;低NO3-胁迫诱导与质外体屏障形成相关基因的表达上调.综上,低NO3-胁迫诱导的内皮层木栓化抑制了烟草根系质外体途径运输.

To explore how low NO3-stress affects the apoplastic pathway transport in tobacco root,two low NO3-stress treatments were implemented at concentrations of 0.01 and 0.1 mmol/L,while 4.0 mmol/L NO3-treatment served as the control.The flue-cured tobacco variety Zhongyan100 was employed as the experimental material.Various parameters including tobacco seedling development,root morphology,transpiration rate,apoplastic pathway transport,endodermal suberization,and gene expression related to apoplastic barrier formation were analyzed.The root/shoot of low NO3-stress(0.01 mmol/L and 0.1 mmol/L)was significantly higher than that of the control,with increases of 267%and 125%,respectively;The transpiration capacity of low NO3-stress was significantly lower than that of the control,with decreases of 176%and 114%,respectively;The PTS fluorescence intensity of low NO3-stress is significantly lower than that of the control,with the decrease of 31%and 27%,respectively.The PTS concentrations in xylem sap and shoot of low NO3-stress exhibited lower than that of the control,with the decrease of 105%,91%and 103%,75%,respectively.Moreover,low NO3-stress induced early endodermal suberization of tobacco roots,with suberin deposition observed nearer to the root tip.This stress condition meanwhile upregulated gene expression associated with apoplastic barrier formation.In summary,low NO3-stress-induced endodermal suberization inhibited the apoplastic pathway transport in tobacco roots.


中国农业科学院烟草研究所/农业农村部烟草生物学与加工重点实验室,青岛 266101||中国农业科学院研究生院,北京 100081中国农业科学院烟草研究所/农业农村部烟草生物学与加工重点实验室,青岛 266101



low NO3-stressrootsuberizationapoplastic pathwayPTS

《中国烟草科学》 2024 (002)

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