

Design of P92 Steel Thermal Aging Testing Instrument Based on Magnetic Barkhausen Effect


针对火电厂锅炉和主蒸汽管道用钢——P92钢在服役时的热老化程度检测,以HDSP-SUPER 28335开发板为核心研制了 一套基于MBN效应的检测仪器,该仪器具有激励信号的产生,MBN信号的采集、处理、显示及存储功能,且灵敏度高、功能全面,可以用于试验研究;针对不同钢种对激励信号敏感程度不同的问题,开展了对于标准P92钢MBN信号检测适用激励信号的试验研究,根据激励信号幅值与MBN信号均方根值的变化关系确定了激励信号的幅值,根据不同激励信号频率产生的MBN信号的波形效果选择了激励信号的频率.

Aiming at the detection of the thermal aging degree of P92 steel for boilers and main steam pipes in thermal power plants in service,a set of detection instruments based on the MBN effect is developed with the HDSP-SUPER 28335 development board as the core.The instrument has the functions of excitation signal gen-eration,MBN signal acquisition,processing,display,and storage,and is sensitive and comprehensive enough to be used for experimental research.According to the different sensitivity of different steel grades to the excitation signal,the experimental study of the applicable excitation signal for MBN detection of standard P92 steel is car-ried out,the amplitude of the excitation signal is determined according to the relationship between the ampli-tude of the excitation signal and the variation of the root mean square value of the MBN signal,and the fre-quency of the excitation signal is selected according to the waveform effect of the MBN signal generated by dif-ferent excitation signal frequencies.


苏州热工研究院有限公司,江苏苏州 215004南京航空航天大学 自动化学院,江苏南京 210016中广核检测技术有限公司,广东深圳 518031



magnetic Barkhausen effectthermal power plantsP92 steelthermal ageingexcitation signal

《测控技术》 2024 (005)

42-49,55 / 9


