A landslide microseismicity detection method based on transfer learning
基于迁移学习,设计一套岩石边坡微地震事件检测算法流程,用于自动化处理岩石边坡数据.基于海量人工标注的天然地震数据进行训练,得到深度学习预训练模型,并利用少量人工标注的微地震数据进行微调,使得模型可以适用于滑坡体微地震数据.采用实际标注数据进行测试,结果表明,基于迁移学习模型的查准率和查全率分别可达 0.884 和 0.91.分析认为,在迁移学习流程中,深度学习模型减少了对于标注数据的依赖,同时可以仅经少量迭代即可得到鲁棒的、高精度结果.该模型部分程序是开源的,可以将其迁移到更多区域的微地震事件检测工作中.
In this article,we introduce a transfer learning-based landslide microseismicity detection model,which can automatically pick up microseismicity occurring on the slopes in more accurate means.The deep learning model is first trained using a huge amount of manually labeled seismic events to obtain a well pre-trained model,then,the pre-trained model is fine-tuned by a small number of manually labeled microseismic events that have occurred on the slope to account for landslide microseismicity detection.The results suggest that our model achieves a rate of 0.884 and 0.91 in recall and precision test using unknown events that occurred on the slope,respectively.The proposed transfer learning-based training procedure not only significantly reduces the demand on the labeled training data on the slope,but also achieves a more robust and accurate model using a small number of integrations when applied to slopes.We open source the main function of the model,which can also be applied to other slopes.
中国北京 100081 中国地震局地球物理研究所中国北京 100081 中国地震局地球物理研究所
transfer learningmicroseismic event detectiondeep learningslope
《地震地磁观测与研究》 2024 (2)