

Application of Singularity Theory in the Extraction of Weak Anomalies:A Case Study of Hidden Intermediate-Acidic Intrusive Rocks in Northern Hebei



The northern Hebei Province is one of the important concentration areas of mineral resources in Hebei Province,with superior ore-forming conditions.The intermediate-acidic intrusive rocks in north Hebei are closely related to the mineralization of silver-lead-zinc polymetallic deposits.However,a large amount of Quaternary cover suppresses some deep and hidden weak anomaly mineralization information,making conventional geochemical methods have weak extraction effects in this coverage area.This work conducted singularity analysis and principal component analysis to analyze and process the geochemical data of major elements in the 1:200000 water system sediments in northern Hebei,extracted weak anomalies of ore-forming elements in the area,and compared them with the results without singularity treatment.Based on the regional geological background and geophysical and geochemical exploration data,we delineated the abnormal areas related to intermediate-acidic intrusive rock masses in the coverage area,analyzed and discussed the mineralization process and ore-forming laws in order to reveal the enrichment laws of elements in the area.The results show that the above combination method can effectively extract weak element anomalies and delineate favorable mineralization areas,and the delineated positions are consistent with the known rock mass positions and regional structural conditions.A total of seven hidden anomaly points have been delineated,which are infered to be ore-forming prospects.


河北地质大学,河北石家庄 050031河北地质大学,河北石家庄 050031



hidden rock masssingularity analysisprincipal component analysisweak anomaly extractionanomaly delineationintermediate-acidic intrusive rocksnorthern Hebei Province

《地质与勘探》 2024 (3)



