

Characterization of soil multifunctionality and its determining factors under moss crust cover in the arid regions of Northwest China


生物土壤结皮是由干旱区重要的活性地被物组成,可显著影响地表土壤的物质循环与能量交换,改善表层土壤的物理、化学和生物学性质,从而影响土壤多功能性(Soil Multifunctionality,SMF).藓类结皮是生物土壤结皮的重要类型之一,本研究旨在探究西北干旱区荒漠藓类结皮覆盖下土壤与裸沙的SMF差异性,探究两者SMF变化的主要驱动因素.通过分析土壤的8个干旱区关键生态系统功能指标,运用平均值法和因子分析法计算SMF,运用最小二乘回归分析和结构方程模型(SEM)等探究SMF变化的主要驱动因素.研究发现:(1)藓类结皮覆盖下土壤的单一和多功能性显著高于裸沙.(2)裸沙和藓类结皮覆盖下SMF变化的驱动要素具有差异性,裸沙SMF的主要驱动因素为干旱(Aridity)和土壤含水量(SWC),而藓类结皮覆盖下SMF驱动要素为土壤砂粒含量.(3)年均温(MAT)对裸沙和藓结皮覆盖土壤SMF的变化均呈现最大的间接效应.因此,藓类结皮发育显著增加了荒漠土壤SMF,同时也调节SMF的相关驱动因素.以上研究结果对深入理解荒漠裸沙和结皮覆盖下SMF的差异性及驱动因素具有重要意义.

Biological soil crusts(BSCs)are the main active groundcover community in arid regions.BSCs can significantly affect the material cycle and energy exchange,improve the physical,chemical,and biological prop-erties of surface soil,and influence the soil multifunctionality(SMF).Moss crust is an important type of BSCs.This study investigates the SMF variability of moss crust-covered and bare sand in the deserts of northwestern ar-id regions,and explored the main drivers of the variability.We analyzed eight crucial ecosystem function indica-tors.SMF was calculated by applying the mean method and factor analysis approach.We used the ordinary least square and structural equation modeling to explore the drivers of SMF changes.The results show that:(1)soil monofunctionality and SMF under moss crust cover were higher than those in bare sand(P<0.05).(2)The drivers of the SMF change in bare sand and under moss crust cover were very different.The main drivers of SMF in bare sand were aridity and soil water content,whereas the driver of SMF under moss crust cover was soil sand content(Sand).(3)The mean annual temperature had the largest indirect effect on changes in SMF for both soil in bare sand and under moss crust cover.Therefore,the development of moss crust significantly increased SMF and,in addition,modulated the relevant drivers of SMF.Our results are important for a deep understanding of the differ-ences and drivers of SMF in desert soil with bare sand and under moss crust cover.


中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,新疆抗逆植物基因资源保育与利用重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011||中国科学院大学,北京 100049中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,新疆抗逆植物基因资源保育与利用重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011


soil multifunctionalitynorthwest arid regionsmoss crustdriving factorstructural equation mod-eling

《干旱区研究》 2024 (005)

812-820 / 9


