Study on the nonlinear wave load effect and dynamic response characteristics of floating wind turbine structures in shallow water
The wave load and motion response of floating wind turbine structures in shallow water exhibit nonlinear characteristics,which highly demand the safety of floating wind turbines.Herein,the coupling analysis model of the wind turbine-floating foundation-mooring system is established,the hydrodynamic coefficient of the frequency domain and calculation results of the time domain under different water depths and wave load calculation methods are compared,and the influence of water depth and wave load calculation methods on the structural response and mooring tension of floating wind turbine structures are discussed.The results showed that the hydrodynamic per-formance and dynamic response of floating wind turbine structures change with variations in water depth.The low-frequency component of floating platform response and mooring line tension increases with decreasing water depth,and the second-order wave load effect becomes more significant in shallow water.Meanwhile,Newman's approxi-mation underestimates the second-order wave loads compared with the full quadratic transfer function method,which affects the analysis of platform response and mooring tension.
中国海洋大学 工程学院,山东 青岛 266100中国海洋大学 工程学院,山东 青岛 266100海洋石油工程(青岛)有限公司,山东 青岛 266520中国海洋大学 工程学院,山东 青岛 266100
offshore wind farmfloating wind turbinehydrodynamicsnonlinear analysisdynamic responsemooring linetime domain analysisfrequency domain analysis
《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 2024 (6)