

Relationship between Milk Line Proportion and Traits Related to Grain of Maize



Three different grain type maize varieties,horse tooth type Zhengdan 958(ZD958).half-horse tooth type Xianyu 335(XY335)and hard grain type Changdan 106(CD106),were selected as experimental materials to study the relationship of maize grain milk line proportion and grain length,grain width,fresh 100-grain weight,water content,filling rate and dehydration rate,so as to provide a basis for the determination of the optimum harvest time and breeding of new maize varieties suitable for mechanical grain harvest.The results showed that the effect of varieties on the milk line proportion of maize grain was significant or extremely significant,XY335 had the fastest increase rate of milk line proportion,followed by CD106 and ZD958.The effects of grain length,grain width and fresh 100-grain weight of different grain type varieties on milk line proportion were different,grain width and fresh 100-grain weight had greater effect on milk line proportion.Milk line proportion was significantly or extremely significantly negatively correlated with grain water content,filling rate and dehydration rate as a whole,the water content was significantly or extremely significantly positively correlated with filling rate and dehydration rate,and filling rate was significantly positively correlated with dehydration rate.


山西农业大学谷子研究所,山西长治 046000



MaizeGrainGrain typeMilk line proportionWater contentFilling rateDehydration rate

《河南农业科学》 2024 (005)

22-29 / 8


