

How does Virtual Agglomeration Affect High-quality Development of Manufacturing Enterprises?



The new generation of information technology changes the organizational form of enterprises,making cross-regional and cross-industry information exchange more convenient and frequent,accelerating the transformation from geographical agglomeration to virtual agglomeration.Virtual agglomeration is of great significance in realizing the high-quality development of manufacturing enterprises and building a strong manufacturing country.This paper investigates the impact of virtual agglomeration on the high-quality development of manufacturing enterprises from theoretical and empirical dimensions.It defines the connotation of virtual agglomeration of manufacturing enterprises from the theoretical level,constructs a virtual agglomeration model,and then analyzes the influence mechanism.In addition,it builds the keywords from virtual agglomeration carriers and virtual agglomeration networks and empirically examines the microdata of listed manufacturing enterprises in China captured from their annual reports with the help of Python crawler technology. The benchmark regression results show that the virtual agglomeration of manufacturing enterprises is conducive to the high-quality development of enterprises.This conclusion holds after a series of robustness tests.The results of the mediating mechanism test show that the virtual agglomeration of manufacturing enterprises can fuel the high-quality development of enterprises through knowledge spillover,economies of scale,and transaction costs rather than cooperative innovation.The results of the adjustment mechanism test show that the external intellectual property protection system plays a positive moderating role in the high-quality development of virtual agglomeration of manufacturing enterprises.However,this positive role is not affected by the technology intensity of enterprises.Heterogeneity analysis shows that the virtual agglomeration of manufacturing enterprises exerts a stronger effect on the high-quality development of small manufacturing enterprises and manufacturing enterprises in the eastern and central regions.This effect is insignificant in manufacturing enterprises with different growth cycles. The innovation of this paper lies in three aspects.First,it clarifies the virtual agglomeration of manufacturing enterprises by constructing a virtual agglomeration model.Second,it uses text data to measure the level of virtual agglomeration of manufacturing enterprises,which addresses the inaccurate acquisition of current virtual agglomeration data.Third,it comprehensively explores the impact of virtual agglomeration on the high-quality development of manufacturing enterprises from the perspective of influence,mediating mechanism,and adjustment mechanism.This paper may enrich the theoretical research on the virtual agglomeration of manufacturing enterprises and its impact on the high-quality development of enterprises and provide policy enlightenment for improving the level of virtual agglomeration of manufacturing enterprises.





virtual agglomerationhigh-quality development of enterprisesknowledge spillovereconomies of scaletransaction costintellectual property protection

《经济与管理研究》 2024 (6)



