Calibration Method of Residual Voltage Tester for Electrical Equipment
分析了电气设备剩余电压测试仪基本原理,提出一种基于标准阻容网络法对剩余电压测试仪剩余电压幅值和延迟时间参数进行校准的方法.结合交流标准电阻器和电容器等效模型,分析了标准电阻时间常数和标准电容损耗因数对校准结果的影响,推导了校准时剩余电压和延迟时间标准值的计算方法.采用1 MΩ交流标准电阻和1 μF标准电容器组成的电路网络对剩余电压测试仪进行了校准,结果表明标准阻容网络法可满足该仪器的校准.对测量结果进行了不确定度分析,剩余电压幅值测量不确定度为1.1%,延迟时间测量不确定度为1.2%,主要不确定度分量为标准电容器损耗因数的影响.
The principle of the residual voltage tester for electric equipment is analyzed.A method for calibrating the residual voltage amplitude and delay time parameters of the tester based on the standard resistance-capacitance network method is proposed.The influences of the time constant of the standard resistor and the loss factor of the standard capacitor on the calibration results are analyzed based on the equivalent model of the impedance components.The calculation method of the reference value of residual voltage and delay time is derived for the calibration.The residual voltage tester is calibrated by using a circuit network composed of a 1 MΩ AC standard resistor and a 1 μF standard capacitor and the results show that the mentioned method meets the calibration for the tester.The uncertainty analysis of the measurement results is carried out.The expanded uncertainty for the residual voltage amplitude is 1.1%and 1.2%for the delay time.The main uncertainty component is the measurement uncertainty of the loss factor of the standard capacitor.
上海市计量测试技术研究院上海市在线检测与控制技术重点实验室,上海 201203上海市计量测试技术研究院上海市在线检测与控制技术重点实验室,上海 201203上海市计量测试技术研究院上海市在线检测与控制技术重点实验室,上海 201203上海市计量测试技术研究院上海市在线检测与控制技术重点实验室,上海 201203
electrical metrologyresidual voltagedelay timeresistance-capacitance networkloss factormeasurement uncertainty
《计量学报》 2024 (5)