Analysis of Influencing Factors and Accuracy Calibration of Portable Nondestructive Testing Instrument of Kiwifruit
In order to explore the influence of cultivation bases and maturity on the precision of portable nondestructive testing for the soluble solid of kiwifruit,the samples of the same kiwifruit variety from 3 cultivation bases were used as the materials,and the soluble solid of kiwifruit was determined by portable nondestructive testing instrument and conventional lossy testing respectively.The result was analyzed by artificial neural network.The results showed that when the portable nondestructive testing instrument was used to detect the soluble solid of kiwifruit,the nondestructive testing R2 of 3 cultivation bases were 0.26,0.52 and 0.61 respectively.Maturity would have a certain impact on its detection accuracy,but there was no stable uniform law among different cultivation bases.The random predicted value based on artificial neural network learning and modeling could increase R2 by 5%~49%.Therefore,the predicted value can be used as an intermediate calibration procedure to help improve the accuracy of portable nondestructive testing.
杭州市农业科学研究院 园艺研究所,浙江 杭州 310024杭州市农业科学研究院 园艺研究所,浙江 杭州 310024杭州市农业科学研究院 园艺研究所,浙江 杭州 310024杭州市农业科学研究院 园艺研究所,浙江 杭州 310024淳安县农业农村发展服务中心,浙江 淳安 311700
KiwifruitSoluble solidPortable nondestructive testingAccuracyArtificial neural network
《江西农业学报》 2024 (4)