

Analysis of physical layer security performance of multi-satellite hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay network


卫星通信因传输质量好、覆盖范围广、作用距离远等优点,在侦察、广播、预警、资源勘探、地形测绘等领域具有广阔的应用前景,目的 针对其安全性问题,方法 将多输入多输出(multiple-input-multiple-output,MIMO)技术应用于卫星中继系统中,构建多卫星的星地混合协作网(hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay network,HSTRN),并对其物理层安全性能进行研究.中继采用放大转发(amplify-and-forward,AF)协议或译码转发(decode-and-forward,DF)协议,卫星链路服从阴影莱斯(shadowed-Rician)分布,地面链路和窃听链路服从瑞利(Rayleigh)分布,推导基于AF和DF中继的系统安全中断概率的理论表达式,以及高信噪比条件下安全中断概率的近似表达和系统吞吐量,并用计算机仿真实验验证理论分析的正确性.结果 结果表明:增加卫星个数、减轻信道衰落有助于增强系统的安全性能;低信噪比情况下,基于DF中继的系统安全性能优于AF中继系统的,随着信噪比增加,两者逐渐趋于一致;信道衰落的改善和高信噪比将产生较大的系统吞吐量.结论 卫星个数、安全速率阈值、信道衰落程度等参数对AF和DF中继HSTRN的安全性能具有重要影响,可为卫星通信物理层安全性能的后续研究提供参考.

Satellite communication has shown broad application prospects in various scenarios such as recon-naissance,broadcasting,early warning,resources exploration,topographic mapping due to its advantages of high transmission quality,long transmission distance and wide coverage.Objectives To address the security problem,Methods multiple-input-multiple-output(MIMO)technology is applied to the satellite relay sys-tem,a hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay network(HSTRN)with multiple satellites is constructed,and the physical layer security performance is studied in this paper.The relay is adopted either amplify-and-forward(AF)or decode-and-forward(DF)protocol to assist the transmission.The satellite link follows shadowed-Rician distribution,while terrestrial link and eavesdropper link follows Rayleigh distribution.The the theo-retical expressions of the system security outage probability(SOP)based on AF and DF relay are derived,as well as approximate expression and the system throughput under high signal-to-noise ratio conditions,the correctness of the theoretical analysis through computer simulation experiments is also verified.Results The results showed that,the security performance of the considered network gets better with the increase of the number of the satellites,and the decrease of the severity of the channel fading scenario;the security perfor-mance of the system based on the DF relaying is better than AF at low SNR region,while they will get in-creasingly consistent at high SNR region;the improvement of the channel fading scenario and high SNR can result in high throughput of the system.Conclusions The satellite number,security rate threshold,the chan-nel fading degree and other parameters have great impact on the security performance of AF and DF HSTRN,which can provide reference for subsequent research on the security performance of satellite com-munication physical layer.


河南理工大学 物理与电子信息学院,河南 焦作 454000河南理工大学 测绘与国土信息工程学院,河南 焦作 454000河南理工大学 资源环境学院,河南 焦作 454000北京航空航天大学 电子信息工程学院,北京 100191



hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay networkmulti-satellitephysical layer securityshadowed-Rician fadingsecurity outage probability

《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (3)




