

Seismic plastic design of self-centering prefabricated RC frame structures based on energy balance


为了解决装配式混凝土框架结构节点连接薄弱、损伤机制不可控、耗能能力不足、震后难以修复等问题,针对带有可控塑性铰(CPH)的自复位装配式混凝土框架结构(SC-PRCF),基于能量平衡的抗震设计理念,考虑自复位结构体系滞回行为与理想弹塑性结构体系的差异,以及结构上部楼层塑性发展不充分等因素,参照可恢复功能防震结构的四水准抗震设防目标,提出了 SC-PRCF结构抗震塑性设计方法.并设计了一榀7层SC-PRCF结构,同时按照GB 50011-2010《建筑抗震设计规范》设计了一榀7层现浇混凝土框架(RCF)结构作为对比.通过动力弹塑性分析,验证了抗震塑性设计方法的有效性和SC-PRCF结构性能的优越性.研究结果表明:按照抗震塑性设计方法可使SC-PRCF结构满足"小震及中震不坏、大震可修复、可更换、巨震不倒塌"的抗震设防目标,同时可获得"强柱弱梁"的破坏模式,实现了渐进屈服耗能,使全楼层均能参与能量耗散,且能延长失效路径,避免出现薄弱层.

To address the problems of weak connection,uncontrollable damage mechanisms,insufficient energy dissipation capacity and difficulty in post-earthquake repairing in precast concrete frame structures,based on the seismic design concept of energy balance,a seismic plastic design method was proposed for self-centering prefabricated concrete frame structures(SC-PRCF)equipped with controllable plastic hinges(CPH)by referring to the four level seismic fortification goals of earthquake resistant structures,and the difference in hysteresis behavior between self-centering structural systems and elastic-perfectly plastic structural systems and the insufficient plastic development of the upper floors in a structure was considered.A seven-story SC-PRCF was designed by the seismic plastic design method and a seven-story RCF was designed based on GB 50011-2010'Code for seismic design of buildings'as a counterpart.The effectiveness of the plastic design method and the advantages of SC-PRCF structures were verified through dynamic elasto-plastic analysis.The results indicate that the SC-PRCF structure can meet the seismic fortification goals of'no damage in small and moderate earthquakes,repairable in rare earthquakes and no collapsing in extremely rare earthquakes'according to the seismic plastic design method.Simultaneously,the failure mode of'strong column and weak beam'and the progressive yield mechanism can be achieved.All floors can participate in energy dissipation,and the failure path can be extended to avoid the occurrence of weak floors.


西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西西安 710055西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西西安 710055||西安建筑科技大学结构工程与抗震教育部重点实验室,陕西西安 710055西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西西安 710055||西安建筑科技大学结构工程与抗震教育部重点实验室,陕西西安 710055西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西西安 710055||西安建筑科技大学结构工程与抗震教育部重点实验室,陕西西安 710055西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西西安 710055||西安建筑科技大学结构工程与抗震教育部重点实验室,陕西西安 710055



precast concrete frame structureself-centeringcontrollable plastic hingeplastic designseismic performanceresidual deformation

《建筑结构学报》 2024 (6)



