

The Impact of Property Rights Security on Farmers'Forestland Circulation


基于江西集体林区505 份农户数据,运用熵值法测算出产权安全综合水平,通过Probit模型和IVprobit模型探讨产权安全影响农户林地流转的作用机制,验证非农就业的收入效应与劳动力转移效应的调节作用.结果表明:产权安全综合水平的提高可促进农户林地转出或转入行为发生,不同维度产权安全水平对林地流转行为的影响具有差异;非农就业通过收入效应弱化了产权安全对林地转出的促进效应.因此,为提高林地产权安全,建议集体林权制度改革要进一步从农户认知层面、政策实际效果提升林地产权安全性,从而促进林地流转;集体林权制度政策的制定需要结合农户家庭生计方式,并进一步完善林权交易平台,畅通林地流转.

⑴ Background——Promoting forestland circulation is a necessary way for farmers to achieve moderate scale management,which is of great significance for deepening the reform of collective forest property rights sys-tem.The premise of smooth circulation of forestland is the clear definition and effective protection of forestland property rights.However,the current situation of forestland circulation is not optimistic.Existing literature has discussed the effect of property rights security on forestland circulation from different dimensions,but the inter-action between property rights security and non-agricultural employment is still to be studied. ⑵ Methods——The forestland circulation of farmers was selected as the explained variable,the compre-hensive level of property rights security,the level of legal property rights security,the level of factual property rights security and the level of perceived property rights security were selected as the core explanatory variables,and the characteristics of household heads,families and locations were selected as the control variables.The re-search data came from the survey and interview of the sample farmers in the collective forest area of Jiangxi Prov-ince from July to August 2018,and a total of 505 sample data were obtained.Probit model and IVprobit model were used. ⑶ Results——The regression results of Probit model showed that the regression coefficients of the compre-hensive level of property rights security on the transfer in and transfer outof forestland were significantly positive,indicating that property rights security could promote the forestland circulation of the farmers.The regression re-sults of IVprobit model also showed that the regression coefficient of the comprehensive level of property rights se-curity was significantly positive.The regression results of three dimensions of property rights security showed that legal property rights security had no significant impact on the transfer in and transfer out of forestland.The factu-al property rights security had a significant positive effect on the transfer out of forestland,but had no significant effect on the transfer in of forestland.The perceived property rights security had a significant positive effect on both the transfer in and transfer out of forestland.The regression results of the IVprobit model showed that other important influence factors of farmers'forestland circulation behaviors included the forestry working experience of the household heads,the forestland area,the age and education level and the forestry training of the household heads.The regression results of the moderating effect of non-agricultural employment showed non-agricultural employment weakened the promoting effect of property rights security on the transfer out of forestland through the income effect,while the labor transfer effect did not weaken or strengthen the promoting effect of property rights security on forestland circulation. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Based on the above research results,the following policy sugges-tions are put forward:First,improve and deepen the relevant supporting laws and policies on the reform of the forest property rights system,improve the cognition level of the farmers.Second,increase the farmers'invest-ment in forestry by relying on the improvement of non-agricultural income.Third,the government should im-prove the trading platform of the forest property rights and smooth the forestlandcirculation.


浙江农林大学 经济管理学院浙江农林大学 经济管理学院||浙江省乡村振兴研究院,杭州 临安 311300



property rights securityEntropy methodProbit modelforestland circulationnon-agricultural employment

《林业经济问题》 2024 (001)

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