

The Effect of Non-agricultural Employment on Farmers'Economic Forest Management Behaviors


基于福建省林改监测数据,使用OLS最小二乘法和Tobit方法进行估计,实证分析非农就业对农户经济林经营投入及收入的影响效应和组群差异,并对森林保险和林业补贴政策进行调节效应检验.结果表明:非农就业对农户经济林经营的投入与收入均产生抑制作用;本地非农就业与外出务工对农户经济林经营的投入与收入均产生抑制作用;非农就业对家庭居住地距离城市20 km以内的农户经济林经营投入产生显著的抑制作用,而对家庭居住地距离城市20 km以外的农户经济林经营行为的影响不大;非农就业对闽西北林区的农户经济林经营的投入与收入均产生显著的抑制作用,而对闽东南的农户经济林经营的投入与收入影响都不大;非农就业对有森林保险或森林补贴的农户经济林经营的收入具有显著的促进效应,但对其投入的影响效应不显著.因此,应该根据不同就业类型的农户制定出有针对性的差异化的帮扶政策,引导农户经济林经营;根据不同地区特点采取差异化管理手段;完善森林保险、森林补贴政策,设计"重点倾斜性"的补贴政策.同时,积极引入技术人才,加强推广农技服务,完善林业生产外包服务制度.

⑴ Background——Economic forest is a kind of forest species with ecological,economic and social bene-fits.Compared with traditional timber forest,it has the characteristics of short production cycle and high econom-ic value,and plays an important role in Chinese forestry.However,due to the disadvantages of traditional forest-ry,the loss of rural labor force is serious,and the number of farmers engaged in non-agricultural employment or part-time employment is increasing,and the growth rate of economic forest is slow.Therefore,under the con-straints of forestry labor supply,the effect of non-agricultural employment on farmers'economic forest manage-ment behaviors is worth studying.Although there are abundant researches on the effect of non-agricultural em-ployment on farmers'agricultural or forestry production,no unanimous conclusions have been reached. ⑵ Methods——The research data came from the tracking and monitoring survey of collective forest rights system reform in Fujian Province in 2018,and a total of 466 valid questionnaires were obtained.Then,OLS least square method and Tobit method were used to empirically analyze the effects of non-agricultural employment on farmers'economic forest management input and income and their group differences. ⑶ Results——First,in the OLS model forest input was-1.81,p<0.01,and the coefficient of economic forest income was-13.30,p<0.001.The results showed that non-agricultural employment had a significant neg-ative effect on the input and income of economic forest management.Second,according to the types of non-agri-cultural employment,farmers were divided into local non-agricultural employment farmers and migrant workers farmers.The results showed that both local non-agricultural employment and migrant workers had inhibitory effects on economic forest management input and income.Third,the samples were divided into two groups within 20km and beyond 20km for regression analysis.The results showed that non-agricultural employment of farmers had a significant inhibitory effect on economic forest input when their residence was within 20km from the city,while it had no significant effect on economic forest management when their residence was beyond 20km.Fourth,the samples were divided into northwest Fujian forest areas and southeast Fujian forest areas for regression analy-sis.The results showed that,the non-agricultural employment of farmers in the northwest Fujian had a significant inhibitory effect on economic forest management input and income,while the impact of non-agricultural employ-ment on economic forest management input and income was not significant in the southeast Fujian.Fifth,after testing the regulatory effects of forest subsidies and forest insurance policies,it was found that non-agricultural employment had a significant promoting effect on the economic forest management income of the farmers with for-est insurance or forest subsidies,but the impact on their economic forest management input was not significant. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Based on the above analysis,the following policy recommendations are put forward:First,strengthen the guidance of economic forest planting.The government and relevant depart-ments should formulate differentiated assistance policies according to different types of farmers.Second,pay at-tention to the impact of regional differences on farmers'economic forest management.Because of the regional het-erogeneity of non-agricultural employment on economic forest management input and income,different manage-ment methods should be adopted according to the characteristics of different regions.Third,improve forest insur-ance and forest subsidy policies.We should design a"preferential"forest subsidy policy to subsidize the farmers who operate economic forests,and pay attention to the fairness and efficiency of forest subsidies.


福建农林大学经济与管理学院,福州 350002||国家林业和草原局 集体林业改革发展研究中心,福州 350002福建农林大学乡村振兴学院,福州 350002||国家林业和草原局 集体林业改革发展研究中心,福州 350002福建农林大学经济与管理学院,福州 350002||国家林业和草原局 集体林业改革发展研究中心,福州 350002



non-agricultural employmenteconomic forestsOLS modelTobit modelFujian Province

《林业经济问题》 2024 (1)



