

Remote Sensing Inversion of Effective Leaf Area Index of Four Coniferous Forest Types and Their Spatial Distribution Rule in Changbai Mountain


[目的]研究快速、准确、宏观获取不同森林类型有效叶面积指数(LAIe)的方法,探讨其空间分布规律,为中小尺度森林LAIe遥感产品的开发提供新思路,为林业精细化监测和森林生态系统碳水循环模拟提供科学可靠的技术手段.[方法]以长白山为研究区,基于Sentinel-2A多光谱影像,运用三维卷积神经网络提取研究区 4种针叶林型(长白落叶松、樟子松、红松和红皮云杉)的空间分布;采用区分林型和全样本 2种方案,分析样地实测LAIe与 7种植被指数(增强植被指数、反红边叶绿素指数、改进简单植被指数、归一化水体指数、归一化植被指数、土壤调节植被指数、简单植被指数)的相关关系;利用各林型对应的最优植被指数,构建区分林型和全样本LAIe与植被指数的回归模型,并基于验证样本数据对比区分林型模型、全样本模型和PROSAIL模型在LAIe反演中的精度表现;结合地理因子分析 4种针叶林型LAIe空间格局及变化规律.[结果]所有样本组中 7种植被指数与相对的LAIe均存在极显著相关关系(P<0.01),除增强植被指数(EVI)与红松LAIe、简单植被指数(SR)与红皮云杉LAIe外,相关系数均大于 0.6,但组间LAIe与不同植被指数相关性具有较大差异;红松、长白落叶松和樟子松LAIe与反红边叶绿素指数(IRECI)相关性最高,红皮云杉、红松LAIe分别与EVI、改进简单植被指数(MSR)相关性最高;4种不同林型模型比全样本模型的R2 提高 12.7%以上,RMSE降低 34.5%;研究区内 4种林型LAIe范围在 0.37~5.86之间,平均LAIe由高至低依次为红松、长白落叶松、樟子松、红皮云杉.红松对海拔、坡度、坡向的变化最为敏感,红皮云杉、樟子松次之,长白落叶松最小.[结论]不同林型LAIe与遥感植被指数的相关程度存在明显差异,区分林型构建回归模型能够提高LAIe反演精度;区分林型后拟合的线性模型精度整体较PROSAIL模型和全样本模型更高,但LAIe高值区域没有PROSAIL模型表现稳定;4种针叶林型LAIe对地理因子变化的反应差异较大.本研究可为精细区分森林类型的中小尺度针叶林LAIe遥感反演研究提供参考.

[Objective]The aim of this study was to study develop the rapid,accurate and macroscopic methods for obtaining effective leaf area index(LAIe)of different forest types,and to explore their spatial distribution,so as to provide new ideas for the development of medium and small-scale forest LAIe remote sensing products,and offer scientific and reliable technological means for precision forestry monitoring and simulation of forest ecosystem carbon and water cycles.[Method]Using Changbai Mountain as the research area,this study extracts the spatial distribution of four coniferous forest types(Larix olgensis,Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica,Pinus koraiensis and Picea koraiensis)based on Sentinel-2A multispectral images through a three-dimensional convolutional neural network.It adopts 2 schemes,differentiated forest types and full sample,to analyze the correlation between field-measured LAIe and 7 vegetation indices[enhanced vegetation index(EVI),inverted red-edge chlorophyll index(IRECI),modified simple ratio(MSR),normalized difference water index(NDWI),normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI),soil adjusted vegetation index(SAVI),simple ratio(SR)].The optimal vegetation index corresponding to each tree species was used to construct regression models for LAIe and vegetation index of differentiated forest type and full sample,and the accuracy performance of differentiated forest type model,full sample model and PROSAIL model in LAIe inversion was compared based on validation sample data.Subsequently,spatial pattern and change rule of LAIe of 4 tree species were analyzed by combining geographical factors.[Result]7 vegetation indices in all sample groups were significantly correlated with relative LAIe values(P<0.01),except for EVI and LAIe of Pinus koraiensis,SR and LAI of Picea koraiensis,the correlation coefficients were all greater than 0.6,while the correlation between LAIe and different vegetation indexes was significantly different among groups.LAIe of Pinus koraiensis,Larix olgensis and Pinus sylvestris var.mongholica had the highest correlation with IRECI,while LAIe of Picea koraiensis and Pinus sylvestris var.mongholica had the highest correlation with EVI and MSR,respectively.Compared with the full-sample model,the R2 value of the 4 different forest types model increased by more than 12.7%,and RMSE decreased by 34.5%.The LAIe of the 4 forest types in the study area ranged from 0.37 to 5.86,and the average LAIe from high to low was Pinus koraiensis,Larix olgensis,Pinus sylvestris var.mongholica.and Picea koraiensis.Pinus koraiensis was the most sensitive to changes in altitude,slope and aspect,followed by Picea koraiensis and Pinus sylvestris var.mongholica,while Larix olgensis was the least affected.[Conclusion]There were significant differences in the correlation between LAIe and remote sensing vegetation index among different forest types.The inversion accuracy of LAIe can be improved by constructing specific regression models for different forest types.The accuracy of the fitted linear model after distinguishing forest types was higher than that of the PROSAIL model and the full-sample model,but in the area with high LAIe value performed unstable compared with the PROSAIL model.LAIe of the 4 tree species varied greatly in reflecting the changes of geographical factors.This study can provide a scientific reference for the selection of LAI remote sensing inversion models for coniferous forests in small and medium scales under tree species differentiation.


吉林省林业科学研究院 长春 130033中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 长春 130102长春大学 长春 130022北京林业大学 北京 100083



effective leaf area index(LAIe)conifer speciesforest typesatellite remote sensingspatial distribution

《林业科学》 2024 (005)

127-138 / 12


