

Research on Compact Multifunctional Single-Stage Magnetic Valve Type Stereoscopic Magnetically Controlled Transformer


电缆的规模化使用造成电力系统中容性无功功率平衡需求增加,此外高比例新能源接入也会带来无功功率波动问题.现有无功功率补偿及无功功率发生装置占地面积较大、成本较高.通过磁控电抗器与变压器一体化结合提出了一种紧凑型多功能单级磁阀式立体磁控变压器,同时具备传统电力变压器升降压基础功能与灵活调节无功功率的能力,尤其适用于空间有限的城市变电站.对所述磁控变压器进行了有限元仿真,验证了其运行有效性.结果表明该磁控变压器的无功功率调节容量可以达到94.5 kvar,最大变比偏移量为0.439%,谐波含量仅有3.8%,节约占地面积20%,总体性能优异,可以很好地满足城市配电网无功功率补偿的需求.

The widespread utilization of power cables leads to an increased demand for capacitive reactive power balance in the power system.Additionally,the integration of a high proportion of renewable energy sources has introduced challenges related to reactive power fluctuations.Existing solutions for reactive power compensation and generation occupy substantial space and come with significant costs.An innovative approach is introduced,which combines magnetically controlled reactors with transformers to create a compact multifunctional single-stage magnetic valve type stereoscopic magnetically controlled transformer(SSS-MCT).This novel solution not only retains the fundamental voltage regulation capabilities of traditional power transformers but also offers flexible reac-tive power adjustment.This design is particularly advantageous for urban substations with limited space availability.Finite element simulations are conducted to validate the performance of the SSS-MCT.The results show that this SSS-MCT can provide a reactive power regulation capacity of up to 94.5 kvar,with a maximum turns ratio offset of only 0.439%.Furthermore,it exhibits a harmon-ics content of merely 3.8%.This innovative solution offers 20%reduction in footprint,shows outstanding overall performance and the capability effectively meets the reactive power compensation requirements of the urban distribution grid.


广东电网有限责任公司肇庆供电局,广东 肇庆 526020南方电网科学研究院,广州 510663电网环境保护全国重点实验室,武汉 430072||武汉大学电气与自动化学院,武汉 430072



magnetically controlled transformermagnetically controlled reactororthogonal decouplingreactive power compensa-tionharmonic control

《南方电网技术》 2024 (005)

22-30 / 9

国家自然科学基金资助项目(52207182);"中国南方电网有限责任公司-武汉大学电力碳中和联合研究院"资助项目. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(52207182);the Funded Project of"Electric Power Carbon Neutrality Joint Research Institute of China Southern Power Grid Co.,Ltd.and Wuhan University".

