

Calibration of the tracker's angle measurement error for linac control network


根据关键设备在直线加速器隧道内的布局,控制网布设在隧道地面和墙面.跟踪仪是直线加速器控制网测量的主要仪器,跟踪仪的测角误差是影响设备精度的关键因素.根据隧道墙面和地面网点的布局以及跟踪仪测量方案,对跟踪仪所有测量状态下的水平角和垂直角进行分解;然后通过高精度三坐标测量仪和跟踪仪联动测试,对分解后的角度进行高精度求解,解算值用于修正跟踪仪的实测角度.结果表明,不管是哪种测量状态,跟踪仪实测角度值均大于解算值;地面网点垂直角和水平角的偏差与跟踪仪的标称精度基本相当;墙面点水平角超过 15°时,测角误差随着角度的增加而增大,在隧道控制网测量时需要对墙面点水平角进行修正.

Linac control network is the reference for optical axis transmission.According to the layout of key equipment in linac tunnel,the control network is laid out on the ground and wall of the tunnel.Tracker is the main instrument for measuring linac control network,and the angle measurement error is a key factor affecting the accuracy of the tracker.Based on the layout of wall and ground network points and the measurement plan,laser tracker's angles were decomposed as horizontal and vertical angles in all measurement states.Then,through the linkage testing of high-precision CMM and laser trackers,all the decomposed angles were calculated,and the calculated values are used to correct the tracker's measurement angles.Based on the test results,regardless of the measurement state,measured angle of the tracker is larger than the calculated value.The ground network points'vertical angle deviation and horizontal angle deviation almost equal to the nominal accuracy of the tracker.When the horizontal angle of wall points exceeds 15°,deviation increase significantly,and the deviation should be corrected while measuring the wall network points.


中国科学院上海高等研究院,上海 201204



linear particle acceleratorcontrol networktrackercoordinate measuring machineangle measurement error

《强激光与粒子束》 2024 (007)

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