Offshore Tropical Cyclone Locating Method for Fujian Based on Network Doppler Radial Velocity Field
This paper discussed a novel method for locating the center of offshore tropical cyclones in Fujian using the zero velocity line(or zone)in the radial velocity field of networked Doppler radars.This method was based on the fact that the typhoon center is invariably located on the zero velocity line(or zone),as depicted in the radar's radial velocity diagram.The intersection(or the vicinity of the intersection)of the zero velocity line of two or more Doppler radars was identified as the typhoon center.The results showed that this method has high spatial and temporal resolution,and the locations identified are basically consistent with the results from the China Meteorological Administration,thus providing valuable insights for real-time typhoon positioning and forecasting.This method provides a feasible way to navigate the challenges posed by the irregularity of typhoon reflectivity echo shape and velocity ambiguity,enabling quick and accurate positioning of the typhoon's center as it approaches or makes landfall.
龙岩市气象局,福建 龙岩 364000龙岩市气象局,福建 龙岩 364000龙岩市气象局,福建 龙岩 364000龙岩市气象局,福建 龙岩 364000
typhoon positioningDoppler radarnetworkingradial velocityzero velocity line
《热带气象学报》 2024 (2)