

Effects of Vibration on Shedding and Ethylene Synthesis in Bougainvillea glabra Bracts


为探究振动对盆栽三角梅苞片脱落和乙烯生成的影响,对盆栽'马尼拉小姐'三角梅(Bougainvillea×buttiana'Miss Manila')在振动、密闭环境和振动+密闭环境下苞片的脱落率及处理后4~24 h的乙烯合成相关指标进行测定.结果表明,振动+密闭环境和振动处理后7 d三角梅苞片脱落率显著高于对照(无处理),苞径长0.5~1.4 cm的苞片(S1)和苞径长1.5~2.4 cm的苞片(S2)的乙烯释放量、1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)含量、ACC合成酶(ACS)和ACC氧化酶(ACO)活性均显著高于对照,随着处理后时间的延长,总体呈先上升后下降的变化趋势.苞片S1 和S2 的BsSAMS、BsACS和BsACO基因相对表达量显著上升,与 ACS 活性和 ACO 活性的变化一致,总体呈先上升后下降的变化趋势.因此,盆栽三角梅在受到振动后苞片的脱落率、乙烯生成、乙烯生物合成关键酶活性、乙烯合成酶基因BsSAMS、BsACS、BsACO的相对表达量均显著上升,且密闭环境对振动的效应具有促进作用.

In order to investigate the effects of vibration on shedding and ethylene biosynthesis of potted Bougainvillea glabra,the shedding rate of bracts of potted Bougainvillea×buttiana'Miss Manila'under vibration,closed environment and vibration+closed environment,and the related indexes of ethylene synthesis were measured for 4-24 h after treatment.The results showed that the shedding rate of bracts was significantly higher than that of the control within 7 days after vibration+closed environment and vibration treatments,and the ethylene release,1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid(ACC)content,ACC synthase(ACS)and ACC oxidase(ACO)activities in bracts of bracteoles 0.5-1.4 cm long(S1)and 1.5-2.4 cm long(S2)were significantly higher than those of the control,which overall trends were first increased and then decreased.The relative expression of BsSAMS,BsACS,BsACO genes in S1 and S2 increased significantly,and which change trends were consistent with those of ACS and ACO activities.Therefore,shedding rate of bracts,ethylene content,key enzyme activities of ethylene biosynthesis,the expression of ethylene synthesis genes BsSAMS,BsACS,BsACO of potted'Miss Manila'all increased significantly after vibration,and the closed environment could promote the effect of vibration.


福建农林大学园艺学院,园艺产品贮藏保鲜研究所,福州 350002


Bougainvillea glabraVibrationEthylene biosynthesisGene expression

《热带亚热带植物学报》 2024 (003)

378-386 / 9

福建省水仙花品种选育工程技术研究中心项目资助 This work was supported by the Project of Daffodil Variety Breeding Engineering Technology Research Center of Fujian Province.

