

The Age Patterns of China's Rural Labor Migration at the Middle and Late Stages of Urbanization Development:Based on a Perspective of Migration Order and Cohort Differences


随着我国城镇化发展进入中后期,农村劳动力迁移呈现增速放缓以及回流趋势,在当前农村人口总量依然庞大、农业与非农部门劳动生产率仍存在较大差距的背景下,上述变化趋势显然有悖于刘易斯二元经济理论框架下的劳动力迁移规律.基于迁移次序和队列差异视角,利用中国劳动力动态调查(CLDS)数据,采用二元选择模型和多层次APC—交叉分类随机效应模型,理论探讨并实证检验我国农村劳动力初次迁移与回流再迁移、不同出生队列劳动力初次迁移的年龄模式差异,以期深入理解劳动力迁移规律并准确研判未来发展趋势.研究发现:第一,回流劳动力的再迁移意愿显著大于从未迁移劳动力的初次迁移意愿,在20-45 岁的中青年劳动力群体中体现得最为明显;第二,我国农村劳动力初次迁移行为具有典型的年龄特征且存在明显的队列差异,越晚出生队列初次迁移率与年龄倒"U"型关系越显著,尖峰态势越明显.为推动我国城镇化水平持续提升、促进城乡统一劳动力大市场形成,建议应重点围绕提升农村人口自然增长水平、加强中青年劳动力迁移稳定性以及挖掘农村中老年劳动力迁移潜力制定适应性政策.

As China has entered the middle and late stage of urbanization,the growth rate of rural labor migration has slowed down and return migration has increased.Under the background of huge scale of total rural population and big gap between agricultural and non-agricultural labor productivity,the trend mentioned above contradicts the principles of labor migration as per Lewis'dual economy theory.Based on the perspective of migration order and cohort differences,using data from the China Labor Dynamics Survey(CLDS)database,this paper adopts the binary selection model as well as the Hierarchical APC-Cross Classification Random Effects Model to theoretically explore and empirically test the differences in the age patterns of the initial migration and re-migration of rural labor as well as the initial migration of labor in different birth cohorts in China,in order to deeply understand the law of labor migration and accurately evaluate the future development trend.The results are as follows:First,the remigration intention of returnee workers is greater than that of the never-migrated,where such difference is mainly concentrated in the 20-45 years old young and middle-aged population.Second,the initial migration behavior of rural labor in China has typical age characteristics and obvious cohort differences.The later the birth cohort,the more significant the inverted U-shaped relationship between the initial migration rate and age is,and the more pronounced the spiking pattern is.In order to promote the continuous improvement of China's urbanization level and the construction of a unified urban and rural labor market,it is proposed that we should make adaptive policies focusing on improving the natural growth level of rural population,strengthening the stability of the migration of young and middle-aged returnee labor,and tapping the migration potential of rural middle-aged and elderly labor.


河海大学 经济与金融学院,江苏 常州 213200



labor migrationage patternsmigration ordercohort differences

《人口与经济》 2024 (003)

57-69 / 13


