Temporal and Spatial Variation of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in the Pearl River Delta from 2010 to 2020
为探究近10 a来珠江三角洲地区农业面源污染时空变化,运用清单分析法,分析珠江三角洲地区涉及的广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、惠州、东莞、中山、江门和肇庆9个城市的农田化肥、禽畜养殖、水产养殖、农田固体废弃物和农村生活农业面源污染情况及时空分布变化.结果表明:2010-2020年珠江三角洲地区农业面源等标污染总负荷量下降17.77%,其中COD等标污染负荷量下降了8.20%,TN等标污染负荷量下降了21.04%,TP等标污染负荷量下降了8.18%;等标污染负荷贡献率表现为肇庆>江门>惠州>广州>佛山>中山>珠海>东莞>深圳;农田化肥和禽畜养殖污染物排放强度分别下降了26.01%、37.07%,水产养殖、农田固体废弃物和农村生活污染物排放强度分别上升了36.62%、22.79%、14.39%.
To explore the agricultural non-point source pollution in the Pearl River Delta in recent 10 years,uses inventory analysis to analyze the temporal and spatial variation of farmland fertilizer,livestock breeding,aquaculture,farmland solid waste,and rural agricultural non-point source pollution in nine cities involved in the Pearl River Delta,including Guangzhou,Shenzhen,Zhuhai,Foshan,Huizhou,Dongguan,Zhongshan,Jiangmen and Zhaoqing.The results show that the total load of agricultural non-point source pollution in the Pearl River Delta decreased by 17.77%from 2010 to 2020.Specifically,the COD pollution load decreased by 8.20%,the TN pollution load decreased by 21.04%,and the TP pollution load decreased by 8.18%.The contribution rate of pollution load is as follows:Zhaoqing>Jiangmen>Huizhou>Guangzhou>Foshan>middle mountains>Zhuhai>Dongguan>Shenzhen.The emission intensity of pollutants from farmland fertilizer and livestock breeding decreased by 26.01%and 37.07%,respectively.The emission intensity of aquaculture,farmland solid waste,and rural domestic pollutants increased by 36.62%,22.79%,and 14.39%,respectively.
珠江水资源保护科学研究所,广东 广州 510611珠江水资源保护科学研究所,广东 广州 510611
agricultural non-point sourcetemporal and spatial variationinventory analysisPearl River Delta
《人民珠江》 2024 (5)