Research and application of river width formula in exponential convergent funnel-shaped estuaries
Based on satellite remote sensing images,the river widths along six funnel-shaped estuaries in China were extracted,and the convergence formula proposed by Lanzoni and Seminara in 1998 was used for fitting.It was found that the fitted estuary shapes deviated significantly from the actual ones.In order to improve accuracy,two new formulas concerning the ratio of mouth width to upstream width and water area were proposed by optimizing the parameters of the formula.Results show that for the 6 funnel-shaped estuaries in China,the two new proposed formulas have better R-squares compared with Lanzoni and Seminara's formula.Furthermore,the convergence error is used as an identification index for the funnel-shaped estuaries and the funnel-shape parameter is proposed to represent the convergence of the estuaries.In order to check the applicability of the two convergence formulas in models,the hydrodynamic simulation based on the Jiaojiang Estuary as a prototype using three fomulas were conducted,suggesting that the hydrodynamic characteristics for the newly proposed formula models are closer to the actual estuaries.
河海大学 港口海岸与近海工程学院,南京 210098河海大学 港口海岸与近海工程学院,南京 210098
funnel-shaped estuaryriver widthhydrodynamic simulationconvergence errorfunnel-shape parameter
《水道港口》 2024 (2)