

Effects of Compound Fertilizer Reduction and Calcium Addition on Agronomic Traits,Yield and Quality of Peanut


为探讨冀东地区花生施肥量,本试验以冀花 11 号为试材,设置 6 个处理,其中复合肥(N-P2O5-K2 O=17-17-17)减量处理 3 个,分别为零减量即常规用量(CK,复合肥用量 1 500.0 kg/hm2)、常规用量减12.5%(T1)、常规用量减 25.0%(T2),同时设复合肥加钙(过磷酸钙,Ca≥15%)处理 3 个:T3(CK+225.0 kg/hm2)、T4(T1+337.5 kg/hm2)和T5(T2+450.0 kg/hm2),研究复合肥减量加钙对花生农艺性状、产量和品质的影响.结果表明:T4 处理花生成熟期荚果干物质积累量、结荚期荚果干物质分配比率和产量显著高于其他处理,T2 处理结荚期荚果干物质积累量显著高于其他处理.复合肥减量不加钙处理中,T2 处理花生主茎高、侧枝长、成熟期荚果干物质分配比率、最大干物质积累速率(Vmax)和亚油酸含量显著高于CK和T1;单株结果数、饱果期荚果干物质积累量、最大干物质量(K)、百果重、饱果率,T2 和T1 处理显著高于CK.等量复合肥配施钙肥与对应的不施钙处理相比,花生最大干物质积累速率出现时间(tmax)显著推迟,O/L值、亚油酸含量差异均不显著,但T4 处理的单株结果数、成熟期荚果干物质分配比率、Vmax、百果重和饱果率均显著高于T1.从相关性分析结果看出,单株结果数与百果重、饱果率、产量均呈极显著正相关,结果枝数与百果重呈显著正相关.主成分分析结果表明,T4、T2 处理主成分综合得分排名第1 位、第2 位.综上看出,T2 处理即复合肥用量1 125.0 kg/hm2或T4 处理即复合肥用量 1 312.5 kg/hm2+过磷酸钙 337.5 kg/hm2两个处理花生综合表现较优,可为冀东地区花生施肥优选方案.

In order to explore the fertilization rates for peanut in the eastern part of Hebei Province,the peanut variety Jihua 11 was used as test material and six treatments were set including 3 treatments of com-pound fertilizer(N-P2 O5-K2 O=17-17-17)reduction as zero reduction of conventional dosage(CK,1 500.0 kg/hm2 of compound fertilizer),12.5%reduction of conventional dosage(T1)and 25.0%reduction of con-ventional dosage(T2),and 3 treatments of compound fertilizer with calcium(calcium superphosphate,Ca≥15%)addition as CK+225.0 kg/hm2 calcium(T3),T1+337.5 kg/hm2 calcium(T4)and T2+450.0 kg/hm2 calcium(T5).The effects of compound fertilizer reduction and calcium addition on agronomic traits,yield and quality of peanut were studied.The results showed that the dry matter accumulation at maturity sta-ges,the dry matter allocation ratio to pods at podding stage and peanut yield in T4 treatment,and the pod dry matter accumulation at podding stage in T2 treatment were significantly higher than those in the other treat-ments.In the compound fertilizer reduction treatments,the peanut main stem height,branch length,dry mat-ter allocation ratio to pods at maturity stage,maximum dry matter accumulation rate(Vmax)and linoleic acid content in T2 treatment were significantly higher than those in CK and T1 treatment;the pod number per plant,pod dry matter accumulation at pod filling stage,maximum dry matter mass(K),100-pod weight and full-pod rate in T2 and T1 treatments were significantly higher than those of CK.Compared with compound fer-tilizer treatments,the corresponding treatments with calcium addition delayed the occurrence time of maximum dry matter accumulation rate(tmax)significantly,but had no significant effects on the O/L value and inoleic acid content;the pod number per plant,dry matter allocation ratio to pods at maturity stage,Vmax,100-pod weight and full-pod rate in T4 treatment were significantly higher than those in T1 treatment.The results of cor-relation analysis showed that the pod number per plant was extremely significantly positively correlated with 100-pod weight,full-pod rate and yield,and the branch number with pods was significantly positively correla-ted with 100-pod weight.The results of principal component analysis indicated that T4 and T2 ranked the first and second in terms of comprehensive principal component scores.To sum up,the peanuts in T2 treatment with 1 125.0 kg/hm2 of compound fertilizer or T4 treatment with 1 312.5 kg/hm2 of compound fertilizer+337.5 kg/hm2 of calcium superphosphate comprehensively performed better,which could be selected for pea-nut fertilization in eastern Hebei Province.


河北科技师范学院农学与生物科技学院,河北 秦皇岛 066000河北科技师范学院海洋资源与环境学院,河北 秦皇岛 066000河北科技师范学院农学与生物科技学院,河北 秦皇岛 066000||河北省作物逆境生物学重点实验室,河北 秦皇岛 066000河北科技师范学院动物科技学院,河北 秦皇岛 066000



Spring peanutCompound fertilizer reductionCalcium additionAgronomic traitsYield and quality

《山东农业科学》 2024 (005)

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