

Soil Nutrient Content and Stoichiometric Characteristics of Ochroma pyramidale Plantations in Different Slope Positions


碳(C)、氮(N)和磷(P)通常用于评估土壤质量.为了解云南西双版纳地区不同坡位轻木人工林生长土壤C、N和P含量及其化学计量特征差异,本研究通过野外调查采样与室内分析相结合的方法,以 2 年生轻木人工林为研究对象,分析比较上坡位和下坡位轻木人工林中土壤C、N和P的化学计量特征及其对轻木生长的影响.测定指标包括土壤有机碳(SOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、碱解氮(AN)和有效磷(AP)含量,并评估两个坡位中SOC/TN、SOC/TP、TN/TP和AN/AP值的差异.结果表明:①下坡位轻木树高和胸径较上坡位分别显著增加23.39%和49.43%.②随着土层深度的增加,土壤SOC、TN、TP、AN和AP含量总体呈降低趋势;在 3 个不同深度的土层中AP含量均表现为下坡位显著高于上坡位,在 20~40 cm土层中AN含量也表现出下坡位显著高于上坡位.③40~60 cm土层土壤各养分含量显著低于 0~20 cm土层(上坡位TP除外),在0~60cm3 个不同深度的土层中,AN/AP值均表现为上坡位显著高于下坡位;20~40 cm和 40~60 cm土层中,SOC/TP值均表现为下坡位显著高于上坡位.④ 相关分析和主成分分析结果表明,在上坡位中,主要由SOC/TP、AN/AP和SOC/TN值反映土壤肥力情况;在下坡位中,主要由AP、AN和SOC含量反映土壤养分情况.综上,下坡位轻木的生长状况显著优于上坡位,土壤SOC、AP和AN含量对轻木的生长起关键性作用,也反映了TP、TN与AP、AN的转化情况;AN/AP值反映土壤中养分的可利用效率,对轻木的生长有直接相关作用,可作为当地评估林地养分是否缺失的信号.

Carbon(C),nitrogen(N)and phosphorus(P)are commonly used to assess soil quality.To understand the differences in soil C,N and P contents and their stoichiometric characteristics under Ochroma pyramidale grown in different slope positions in Xishuangbanna region,this study took biennial plantations of O.pyramidale as subjects,the stoichiometric characteristics of soil C,N and P and their effects on growth of O.pyramidale were analyzed and compared between upper and lower slopes based on field sampling and inves-tigation and laboratory analysis.The contents of soil organic carbon(SOC),total nitrogen(TN),total phos-phorus(TP),alkaline nitrogen(AN)and available phosphorus(AP)were determined,and the differences in the ratios of SOC/TN,SOC/TP,TN/TP and AN/AP between the two slopes were assessed.The results were as follows.①Compared with the lower slope position,the tree height and diameter at breast height of O.pyramidale at the upper slope position increased by 23.39%and 49.43%,respectively.② Decreasing tends were found in contents of soil SOC,TN,TP,AN and AP with increasing of soil depth,among which,AP content in all the three soil layers and AN content in 20~40-cm soil layer were significantly higher in the lower slope position than that in the upper slope position.③All the soil nutrient contents except for TP in the upper slope position in 40~60-cm soil layer were significantly lower than those in 0~20-cm layer;the AN/AP ratio in all the three soil layers was significantly higher in the upper slope position compared with the lower slope position;the SOC/TP ratio in the 20~40-cm and 40~60-cm soil layers were significantly higher in the lower slope position than that of the upper slope position.④Through correlation and principal component analyses,the soil fertility in the upper slope position was mainly reflected by the SOC/TP,AN/AP and SOC/TN ratios,and the soil nutrient situation in the lower slope position was mainly reflected by the AP,AN and SOC con-tents.In summary,the growth of O.pyramidale in the lower slope position was significantly better than that in the upper slope position,and the soil SOC,AP and AN contents played key roles,which also reflected the conversion of TP and TN to AP and AN.The AN/AP ratio reflected the nutrient availabe efficiency in soil,which had direct correlation to the growth of O.pyramidale,so it could be used as a signal for local assessment of nutrient deficiency in the woodland.


西南林业大学林学院,云南 昆明 650224西南林业大学材料科学与工程学院,云南 昆明 650224勐腊县勐醒农场责任有限公司,云南 勐腊 666303



Slope positionOchroma pyramidaleGrowthSoil nutrientStoichiometric ratio

《山东农业科学》 2024 (005)


116-125 / 10


