

Research on Numerical Model Construction and Seepage Characteristics for Karst Water Based on Three-dimensional Random Fractures


为研究裂隙含水介质中岩溶水的微观动力学特征,针对济南泉城公园岩芯样本,通过 CT 扫描与三维重建技术获取含水介质的内部裂隙结构信息,实现内部三维裂隙结构的再现,通过 Monte Carlo模拟技术构建三维裂隙含水介质网络,采用数值模拟方法,研究岩溶水在裂隙网络空间的渗流特性.结果表明,研究区岩溶裂隙微观非均质性强;渗流受控于裂隙分布,具有非常强的方向性;在裂隙相交位置处渗流速度远大于其他部位渗流速度.

In order to study the micro dynamic characteristics of karst water in fractured aquifer media,the rock cores of Ji'nan Quancheng Park are used as samples,and the internal fracture structure information of the aquifer medium is obtained through CT scanning and 3D reconstruction technology and the internal three-dimensional fracture structure is reconstructed.A three-dimensional network of fractured water containing media is constructed using Monte Carlo simulation technology,and the numerical simulation method is used to study the seepage characteristics of karst water in fracture network space.The results indicate that the micro heterogeneity of karst fractures in the study area is strong,the seepage is controlled by the distribution of cracks and has strong directionality,and the seepage velocity at the intersection of cracks is much higher than that of other parts.


山东省地矿工程勘察院,山东 济南 250014山东大学海洋研究院,山东 青岛 266237||山东大学海洋地质与工程研究所,山东 青岛 266237


岩溶水随机裂隙网络渗流特性数值模型CT扫描与三维重建Monte Carlo模拟

karst waterrandom fracture networkseepage characteristicsnumerical modelCT scanning and 3D reconstructionMonte Carlo simulation

《水力发电》 2024 (006)

44-48,110 / 6

