

Research on Degradation Pattern of Foundation Connection Rotational Stiffness in Ring Foundation Systems


基础环式重力基础损伤降低了基础环与基础混凝土的锚固性,因此导致风力机在运行过程中基础环发生较大倾斜,影响风力机的电力安全生产.通过两台风力机的监测试验发现,两台风力机的基础连接旋转刚度存在较大差异.为了解不同损伤程度基础对基础连接旋转刚度的影响,基于 ABAQUS建立 2.0 MW 风力机基础有限元无损伤基础和 13 种损伤基础模型,计算得到不同损伤程度风力机基础的连接旋转刚度.结果表明:基础环式基础连接旋转刚度随着下法兰混凝土空腔的增大而降低,基础环与混凝土贯穿裂缝基础的基础连接旋转刚度为初始刚度的76.4%,下法兰 15°空腔基础的基础连接旋转刚度为初始刚度的 52.1%,空腔角度在 0°~15°和 30°~75°范围对基础连接旋转刚度的衰减程度较大.根据基础损伤对基础环式基础连接旋转刚度的影响规律,提出一种风力机基础稳定性的评价方法.该方法以风力机装配完毕后的基础连接旋转刚度作为初始基础连接旋转刚度,为后期基础环式风力机基础连接旋转刚度提供对比依据.

The damage to the ring foundation in a gravity-based foundation will reduce the anchoring stability between the foundation ring and the concrete base.Consequently,the wind turbine experiences significant tilting of the foundation ring during operation,which will adversely affect the operation safety of the wind turbine.Through monitoring tests on two wind turbines,considerable differences are observed in the foundation connection rotational stiffness between the two turbines.In order to understand the influence of different degrees of foundation damage on the foundation connection rotational stiffness,the finite element models of a 2.0 MW wind turbine foundation are established using ABAQUS for both intact and thirteen different damaged foundation scenarios.The results indicate that the rotational stiffness of foundation connection decreases with the enlargement of concrete void under the lower flange.Specifically,the rotational stiffness for the foundation with cracks penetrating through the foundation ring and concrete is 76.4%of the initial stiffness,while the foundation with a 15° void under the lower flange exhibits a rotational stiffness of 52.1%of the initial stiffness.The angles of the cavity within the range of 0°-15° and 30°-75° have a significant impact on the degree of degradation of the foundation connection rotational stiffness.Based on the observed degradation pattern of foundation connection rotational stiffness due to foundation damage,a method for evaluating the stability of wind turbine foundations is proposed.This method suggests using the foundation connection rotational stiffness in the ring foundation as a stability evaluation indicator for the ring foundation wind turbines.The method considers the foundation connection rotational stiffness after the wind turbine assembly as the initial value,providing a basis for comparing the subsequent foundation connection rotational stiffness of ring foundation wind turbines.


长沙理工大学土木工程学院,湖南 长沙 410114



wind turbine foundationfoundation damagefoundation connection rotational stiffnessmain wind directionfinite element model

《水力发电》 2024 (006)

97-103 / 7

