Progress of highly reproducible capillary electrophoresis
毛细管电泳(CE)因具有微量、快速、高效、分离模式丰富等特点得以快速发展并逐渐走向成熟,但在其推广应用过程中一直伴随着出峰稳定性或重现性不佳的问题.CE长期采用信号强度对迁移时间作图的测量模式,但迁移时间并非自变量,受诸多直接和间接因素的影响,故很难测得稳定或精密的电泳谱图.为解决此类问题,国内外很早就开展了不同层次的研究,出现了至少三类解决策略:一是设法控制和稳定电泳特别是影响电渗的条件,以提高出峰的重复性;二是设法调整电泳峰参数,主要是利用内标来校正出峰位置,以提高出峰的重现性,如作时间比例谱、校正时间谱、有效淌度谱、校正淌度谱等;三是寻找建立高重现CE(HRCE)实时测量的新理论、新原理、新方法,从根本上彻底解决问题,如本团队提出的加权淌度谱、迁移电量谱、电密度谱、偏摩尔电密度谱及其比例谱等,这些新式CE方法在适当范围内可以抵抗CE条件或参数的波动,给出高重现的电泳谱图.本综述旨在总结构建HRCE的理论表述和研究进展,阐明影响CE重现性的一些关键因素,核心是电泳峰的表述方式.综述简要归纳分析了 CE发展以来文献中对电泳峰表述方式的研究,但不直接涉及和讨论通过仪器改进、实用方法相关的参数的优化、改善等提升CE重复性或重现性的研究及其进展.
Following rapid developments in capillary electrophoresis(CE),this technology has become an established analytical technique owing to its microscale characteristics,high speed,high efficiency,and versatility.However,the challenges of poor peak stability and/or repro-ducibility have consistently hindered its wider applications.CE has long been used as a meas-urement tool for plotting signal intensities versus the migration time;however,the migration time is not an independent variable in CE,but is affected by many direct and indirect parame-ters,including capillary(length,diameter,and inner surface properties),electric field(or voltage,current,and/or power),temperature,and running buffer(electrolytes,additives,solvents,and their concentration,buffering pH,etc.).These intricacies render the acquisition of reproducible electropherograms difficult.Various studies ranging from those on the early sta-ges of CE development to those on the exploration of three important strategies have been conducted to address this issue.In the first strategy,the CE conditions,especially those pa-rameters that can maintain a stable electro-osmotic flow,are strictly controlled and stabilized to significantly improve peak repeatability.In the second strategy,either the peak position is corrected using internal standards or the peak time is converted into other variables,such as electrophoretic mobility,to offset or eliminate some unstable factors,thereby improving the re-peatability and even reproducibility of the peaks;this strategy is useful when plotting signals versus the migration time ratio,correlated migration time,effective mobility,or temperature-correlated mobility.In the third strategy,a new methodology called highly reproducible CE(HRCE)is established using theoretical studies to explore better principles for real-time CE with the aim of the complete removal of the challenge from the root.This strategy includes the development of novel methods that plot electropherograms based on weighted mobility,migra-ted charge,charge density,or partial differential molar charge density.Similar to ordinary CE approaches,this strategy can also draw electropherograms based on the ratios of these proper-ties.As theoretically predicted,these novel methods can offset or resist changes in critical CE conditions(mainly electric field strength,capillary length and diameter,and/or some buffer parameters such as concentration).Our experimental results demonstrate that given certain prerequisites,a new set of methods can produce highly reproducible electropherograms.This review focuses on the theoretical basis and advancements of HRCE,and elucidates the link be-tween electrophoretic migration/peak expression theories and their impact on reproducibility.Studies on the transformation of time-scale electropherograms in the CE literature are summa-rized and analyzed in general.However,this review does not directly discuss research on and progress in improving CE repeatability or reproducibility through instrument upgrades,parame-ter optimization,or practical method refinements.
中国科学院化学研究所,中国科学院活体分析化学重点实验室,北京 100190||中国科学院大学,北京 100049淮阴工学院矿盐资源深度利用技术国家地方联合工程研究中心,江苏淮安 223003||中国科学院化学研究所,中国科学院活体分析化学重点实验室,北京 100190
capillary electrophoresisconversion of electropherogramsnon-time measure-ment modehighly reproducible electropherograms
《色谱》 2024 (6)
国家自然科学基金项目(22134007,21727809)淮阴工学院矿盐资源深度利用技术国家地方联合工程研究中心开放基金(SF202004).National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.22134007,21727809)Open Funds of National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Mineral Salt Deep Utilization,Huaiyin Institute of Technology(No.SF202004).