Study on relationship between dietary pattern,inflammatory index and metabolic index of chronic diseases
目的:探讨山西省成年居民的膳食模式、膳食炎症指数(DII)与慢性病代谢指标之间的关联性.方法:基于2010-2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测(CNNHS)项目中的山西省数据,采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法选取1 396名成年居民作为研究对象.通过问卷调查、体格检查、实验室检查,分析了不同膳食模式及膳食炎症指数与代谢指标的相关性.结果:山西省成年居民存在较高的体重超重、肥胖以及腹型肥胖比例,同时高血压、高血糖和代谢综合征的患病率也较高;主成分分析法得到谷物模式、肉菜模式、肉类模式和油盐模式4种膳食模式;膳食炎症指数与腰围呈正相关;中心性肥胖与收缩压和血糖水平呈正相关.结论:高炎症膳食模式可能与慢性代谢障碍有关.改善膳食模式,特别是增加抗氧化剂和抗炎物质的摄入可能有助于降低慢性炎症疾病的风险.建议通过公共卫生干预,促进健康膳食模式,以预防和管理慢性病.
Objective:To investigate the relationship between dietary pattern,dietary inflammation index(DII)and chronic metabolic indexes of adult residents in Shanxi Province.Methods:A total of 1 396 adult residents were included in the study using multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method based on the data of China Nutrition and Health Monitoring(CNNHS)project in Shanxi Province from 2010 to 2012.Through questionnaire survey,physical examination and laboratory examination,different dietary patterns and the correlation between dietary inflammatory index and metabolic index were analyzed.Results:There was a high proportion of overweight,obesity and abdominal obesity among adult residents in Shanxi Province,and the prevalence of hypertension,hyperglycemia and metabolic syndrome was also high.By factor analysis,four dietary patterns were obtained:grain pattern,meat pattern,meat pattern and oil and salt pattern.The dietary inflammation index was positively correlated with waist circumference.Abdominal obesity was positively correlated with systolic blood pressure and blood glucose levels.Conclusion:High inflammatory dietary pattern may be associated with chronic metabolic disorders.Improving dietary patterns,especially increasing the intake of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances,may help reduce the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases.It is recommended to promote healthy dietary patterns through public health interventions to prevent and manage chronic diseases.
山西医科大学第一医院,山西 030001||山西医科大学护理学院||内蒙古医科大学山西医科大学护理学院山西医科大学护理学院山西医科大学第一医院,山西 030001||山西医科大学护理学院||山西医科大学循证护理研究中心山西医科大学第一医院,山西 030001||山西医科大学护理学院||山西医科大学循证护理研究中心
dietary patterndietary inflammation indexchronic diseasesmetabolic index
《护理研究》 2024 (11)
山西省社科联 2023-2024年度重点课题研究项目,编号:SSKLZDKT2023209